Forestfireprotection in Poland and Europe.
The presentation has on purpose show forestfireprotection methods in Poland, on state owned areas of The State Forest National Forest Holding. It also shows how polish foresters protect polish forests from fire.
Fire safety strips The strips along public roads are cleared of vegetation: − To secure transit. − To avoid the start of a fire (anti-cigarette strips). A type strip
B type strip. C type strip.
D type strip.
Every spring fire safety strips have to be cleaned.
Category and level of fire danger Counting forests to category of fire danger follows on: -percentage part of species and age of forest stand structure,@ -average number of fires in forest district in one year period,counted since at least 10 years, -industry pollution, -intensivity of tourist traffic(tourism), -average value of hydrotermic, Siellaninow ratio (values are taken from nearest meteorological station since at least 5 years). The level of fire danger is determined by humidity of the litter. @ humidity of the air (0.5m height) precipitation ratio Measurement ot things given above effectuate at 9 am and 1pm everyday since 15th of March to 30th of Sept. Finaly The level is read out from the table which every forest district has in their archives.@
The point of alarming and dispositioning Every Forest district office has a room called „The Point Of Alarming and Dispositioning”. It purpose to prevent from the fire spread and it let us to react quickly. At this room there are:@ map of whole forest district with foreprotection towers which have been marked out. screens which have the view from the forestprocection towers. phone (when someone wants to alarm the fire).
Fireprotection towers The Fireprotection towers often alarms PAD faster than people who are near the fire, In some of forest districts still there are people who watch and observe forest from there. In more modern forest districts at the towers the re are special cameras which sent signal to PAD in Forest district’s office. There also is counted azimuth which allows to know where directly the fire is located.
The fireprotection tower in Bilgoraj (RDLP Lublin)@
Conducting infarmationing and warning activities Education of society creates in minds of people behaviours, which don’t generate danger for forest ecosystems. At the PGLLP there are some methods to introduce them:@ verbal information (speeches and prelections on about causes of fire visual informations [fliers, posters, warning boards(which are set near forest tracks, forest roads, hostels or campsites), TV shows and internet informations about fire danger in forest] cooperations (PGLLP) with goverment institutions and ecological organizations Symbol of forestfireprotection „Protect forest against the fire”
Warning board located near forest road in Bilgoraj Forest District.