ANNUAL UPDATE FOR <YEAR> <NAME> <DATE> <Project Name> ANNUAL UPDATE FOR <YEAR> <NAME> <DATE> The basics. The general flow of slides is as follows. First, try to give an overall picture of the organization. Second, describe how Asha, Seattle fits into the organization. Third, give the yearly update.
Mission List out the overall objectives of the organization. Don’t limit to Asha, Seattle supported objectives. First set of slides focus on the overall organization.
History History of the organization. Include the year in which the organization was started, who started it, how it grew, etc. History.
Organization Structure Include the following information. Describe the org structure. The primary person who runs the organization. If paid positions exist within the org, how many and what are they. If the organization has an executive board, describe the board structure. Organization structure.
Location On the map, mark location(s) where the organization exists. If the location is remote, mark nearby cities/towns etc. Organizations, both govt. and non-govt., with similar missions which operate nearby. The map on this slide can be edited or a new map can be added. Location, Location, Location
Activities List all the activities of the organization. Don’t limit to Asha, Seattle supported activities. Give a good picture of organization’s activities.
Finances Give an overall picture of the finances of the organization. At the minimum include the following information. Annual expenditures (put in the #s from the latest financial year). Annual income (put in the #s from the latest financial year). Sources of income. Who are the biggest donors? Other non-profits who support the partner. Do they save in the bank? If so, how much? Expect questions on biggest sources of income, how much they contribute, bank balances,.. Audit report is a good place where you can get some information. But speak to the partner to fill in the blanks.
Asha, Seattle Involvement Second set of slides focus on Asha Seattle’s involvement.
Asha, Seattle Involvement Give a comprehensive/detailed picture of Asha, Seattle’s involvement with the project. Add more slides if necessary. The following checklist has a few basic items which apply to most projects. Elaborate on the following items. Sl. No. Item 1 How is Asha, Seattle planning to support the overall mission and objectives of the organization? 2 Since when is the project with Asha, Seattle? 3 Were/are other Asha chapters involved in the project? If yes, in what capacity and for how long? 4 Key project contacts and how the fit into the overall org. structure. A comprehensive check list -- where each item applies to all projects -- is impossible to create. But be sure to cover the included checklist as it is pretty basic. Add more slides for to customize it to a specific project.
Asha, Seattle Involvement Contd. Checklist contd. Sl. No. Item 5 If the organization runs out of multiple locations, which locations does Asha, Seattle support? 6 List all the activities supported by Asha, Seattle. 7 Relate all the activities supported by Asha, Seattle to the overall activities of the organization. 8 If individuals are supported, how many are supported? What age group? 9 Annual budget (amount only) that has been approved by Asha, Seattle. 10 Percentage of orgs total budget which is supported by Asha, Seattle
Asha, Seattle Budget Item Amount Current Fiscal Year (Rs) Amount Previous Fiscal Year (Rs) Item A 1000 1200 Item B 4000 Item C 3000 2500 Item D .. Item E Item F … Total Line items of the budget. Note the comparison between the two years. Also, note that it’s the fiscal year. Fiscal year can vary from project to project. Some examples of fiscal years are Jan – Dec, April – March, June – May,…
Updates for <year/period> Now updates for the specific year/period starts. Be clear as to which period you are covering.
General Partner Updates Give a brief update of the news/activities of the partner. If you can, exclude Asha, Seattle supported activities from this slide. They will be covered in the next slide. Share success stories, achievements, and noteworthy items. Issues/problems being faced. Overall updates first.
Updates for Asha, Seattle Give detailed updates for all the Asha, Seattle supported activities. Add more slides if necessary. For ex: if we support students in class 8, 9, and 10, how many students graduated, how many more students are getting added, etc. For ex: If we are supporting an entire school, how many students graduate, infrastructure improvements(if any), … For ex: For SAC projects, if possible, outline the progress made by individual children. Share success stories. What went well, what didn’t go as expected, what could have been done differently. Asha, Seattle specific updates.
Site Visit Report Go over the latest site visit report. Place holder for site visit report. Add more slides if necessary.
Audit Report Indian law requires all partners to have an audit report every year. Highlights from last years audit report (Form 10B). A sample audit report, from a project, can be found at Place holder for the audit report. Add more slides if necessary. FCRA approved organizations are also required to file a report which details how FCRA money was spent in India. If you have this report, this report can also be used.
Survey Results Include the results of the annual survey. Include the results of the survey. A year-over-year comparison will be nice but not necessary.
Process Checks Item Status Approved Budget <Amount> Approval Type One of Recurring (new), recurring, one-time Amount(s) disbursed last fiscal year <amount> Amount Utilized by the project last fiscal year Last Site Visit <year and date> Current Primary Steward <name of the steward> Current Secondary Stewards <names of the secondary steward> Status of the web page Up to Date / Not updated Status of the yahoo databases Up to Date / Not up to date Final check list.
Pictures Latest pictures from the project. Some pictures from site visit reports, new papers, etc.
Resources Links to news paper articles, or other items of interest.
FAQs Some FAQs at Asha, Seattle meetings. How many rs are we spending per kid per year? Does the amount being spent on infrastructure items (building schools, repairing roofs, etc. ) look reasonable? Where exactly is the partner located? (especially for remote projects. Be ready to locate the project area on a map) What is the graduation rate of the school? What is the student to teacher ratio in class rooms? What is the girl to boy ratio in the school? What are the line items in the budget? Why is the partner asking for more funding for line item N? (You will be asked this if there are changes in the budget line items) Community opinion of the project. What went well, what didn’t go as expected, what can be done differently. Some FAQs to help in your preparation.