Report on the activities of the NOWPAP Data and Information Network Regional Activity Centre (DINRAC) in 2016 and 2017 NOWPAP DINRAC 23 Nov 2016 Seoul, ROK
Organization, Staff and Budget in 2016 DINRAC has been transferred to the China-ASEAN Environmental Cooperation Center (CAEC), the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) since May 2013. MEP has been in charging of all DINRAC staffs’ salary and its facilities continuously. In 2014, Mr. Feng YAN was formally approved to be the director of DINRAC. At present, two other staff members are recruited into DINRAC with the financial support from CAEC. DINRAC activities are funded by NOWPAP Trust Fund; a total of USD 146,000 in the biennium 2016-2017 for the DINRAC activities such as Focal Points Meetings, specific projects, RAP MALI, etc. which has been approved by the 20th NOWPAP IGM.
DINRAC Budget for 2016-2017 Biennium Activities Budget (USD) 2016 2017 Total Routine work of DINRAC Secretariat Cooperation, Communication of DINRAC Activities 5,000 10,000 Organization of FPMs 25,000 50,000 Development of DINRAC Website 15,000 30,000 Annual Update of Existing Databases 4,000 8,000 Maintain and update marine litter data and information based on inputs by member states and other RACs 3,000 6,000 Developing and Maintaining Databases Annual Summary of Major Marine Environmental Data Available in Member States 16,000 Compilation on Marine Environmental Standards 11,000 Collection of Data and Information on Species Filed in the Red Lists of NOWPAP Member States (Second Stage) Grand Total 76,000 70,000 146,000
DINRAC Expenditure in 2016 (up to now 2016) Activities Budget for 2016 Expenditure for 2016 Remaining Balance Cooperation, Communication of DINRAC Activities 5,000 3,000 Organization of FPMs 25,000 Development of DINRAC Website 15,000 Annual Update of Existing Databases 4,000 Maintain and update marine litter data and information based on inputs by member states and other RACs 2,500 500 Annual Summary of Major Marine Environmental Data Available in Member States 8,000 Compilation on Marine Environmental Standards 6,000 Collection of Data and Information on Species Filed in the Red Lists of NOWPAP Member States (Second Stage) 10,000 Total 76,000 63,500 14,500
Implementation of the Major Activities in 2016 Cooperation, Communication of DINRAC Activities Organization of FPMs Development of DINRAC Website Annual Update of Existing Databases Maintain and update marine litter data and information based on inputs by member states and other RACs Annual Summary of Major Marine Environmental Data Available in Member States Compilation on Marine Environmental Standards Collection of Data and Information on Species Filed in the Red Lists of NOWPAP Member States (Second Stage) Participation in the RACs FPM and other Meetings/Workshops
Development of DINRAC Website The developed new DINRAC website was online in May 2016. The WebGIS system was also redesigned in order that the system is more intuitive and informative. Focused Area: More advanced contents management system; More advanced development platform. Easy to develop website modules and plug-ins. More advanced multi-platform and multi-language support; Built-in visitor analysis support.
System framework
System Function
Page Logic of the website DINRAC Website Homepage Index for themed databases Latest data Search News NOWPAP News Cases Subject on Marine NOWPAP Introduction NOWPAP Structure Bio-hazard Multi-source pollutant Oil Spill Accidents HNS Accidents Marine Protected Area Data Center Data view Standards Thematic data Publication by organization by type Public Invovement Vote Comment Suggestions About NOWPAP About the Website Links Links
Example of Interface of extend point deploying
Development of DINRAC Website (cont.) Speciality: Commercial CMS is employed with better tech support Supports both Chinese and English Open management of page templates allows editing the page templates directly in the system System is extensible and supports secondary development. The system supports external data Support mobile version of the website Data maintenance is more conveniently done.
Annual Update of Existing Databases Data will be collected and updated recently MoUs with respective DINRAC Focal Points have been signing and confirming Intended database to update Contaminants and Nutrients; Marine Protected Areas; Experts/Specialists; Institutions/Agencies
Annual Summary of Major Marine Environmental Data Available in Member States Annual activity of DINRAC MoUs with respective DINRAC Focal Points have been signed Intended data 8 categories of marine environmental data; Table “Data collection framework” Table “Historic data available of marine environmental data” Data will be collected Data for 2015 shall be submitted before 28 February 2017 Data for 2016 shall be submitted before 28 February 2018
Compilation on Marine Environmental Standards in NOWPAP Member States Lead by Dr. LEI Kun MoUs were drafted by the DINRAC Secretariat in consultation with the leading expert and sent to DINRAC Focal Points for signature Signatures are collected, and Standards collection format has been confirming by national experts Covered theme: Marine Environnent Quality Standards, Polluant Effluent Standards, Marine Environnent Status Assessment Methods
Pollutant Effluent Standards Marine Environment Quality Standards Sub-category standards according to protection targets human health aquatic organisms …… Sub-category standards according to functions to protect the sensitive marine organisms used for general industry used for Coastal scenic area used for harbor and marine development activities Sub-category standards according to environment media sea water fresh water (rivers or lakes) sediment marine biology Sub-category standards according to characteristics of pollutants general pollutants toxic pollutants Other sub-categories Pollutant Effluent Standards Effluent standards for industry wastewater discharged into the coastal area Effluent standards for pollutants discharged by the municipal wastewater treatment plant to the coastal area Effluent standard for marine disposal of sewage Effluent standards for oil-bearing waste water from offshore petroleum development industry Effluent standards for pollutants from ship Marine Environment Status Assessment Methods Marine environment status assessment method for sea water Marine environment status assessment method for sediment Marine environment status assessment method for marine biology quality Comprehensive assessment method for the overall environment status of coastal areas
Item 1 Item 2 …… Information Category Sub-category Available Pollutant Items and Limit Reference Comments Item Limit Marine Environment Quality Standards Sub-category 1 Item 1 Item 2 …… Sub-category 2 Sub-category 3
Information collection on endangered /threatened marine species (2nd Stage) Lead by Dr. Shirayama MoUs were drafted by the DINRAC Secretariat in consultation with the leading expert MoUs are collected up to now Data collection form for this stage has sent to national experts Cover extended geographical region than stage 1 Expected to collect information of 261 species
Example of blank form A. List of species to be considered in this activity No. Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Common names (English) 1 CHORDATA ACTINOPTERYGII ANGUILLIFORMES ANGUILLIDAE Anguilla japonica Japanese Eel 2 PERCIFORMES EPINEPHELIDAE Cromileptes altivelis Humpback Grouper, Humpback Seabass, Barrimundi Cod, Flatfish Grouper, Highfinned Grouper, Baramundi Cod, Hump-back Rock-cod, Humpback Rockcod, Barramundi Cod, Loche Truite, Pantherfish, Panther Grouper 3 Epinephelus akaara Hong Kong Grouper 4 bruneus Kelp Grouper, Longtooth Grouper
Example of blank form B. IUCN red list status of species to be considered in this activity No. Red List status criteria criteria version Year assessed IUCN Red List Distribution 1 EN A2bc 3.1 2014 2 VU A4cd 2008 3 A2d 2003 4 A4d
Example of blank form C. List of red list status in each member states to be filled by experts China Japan Korea Russia No. Present (P) or Absent (A) or No data (N) Red List status in China IUCN Native Red List status in Japan Red List status in Korea Red List status in Russia Remarks 1 Y P EN N 2 ne 3 4
Maintain and update marine litter data and information based on inputs by member states and RACs Marine litter platform System framework was designed Development schedule was planned Data sources are planned Marine litter data Data were collected from CEARAC and updated ICC activities participated as the report presented
Columns Subsections Contents Home page Not have Registered users to log in and entrance to showcase the latest news teletext page displayed in each sub-regional sections MALITA&RAP MALI MARINE LITTER CLEAN-UP International Coastal Cleanup Activities SEMINAR Marine Litter Management related seminars NATIONAL RFFORTS Japan Efforts conducted by member states, including progresses have been achieved and schedule for next step Russian Federation Republic of Korea People’s Republic of China NGOS EFFORTS National efforts Highlights of NGOs activities in the NOWPAP region NGOs efforts CONVENTIONS & REGUALTIONS standard specification related policies and regulations and international conventions concerning marine litter or marine environmental protection in NOWPAP member states policy-systems international convention MARINE LITTER DATA AND INFORMATON Data from ICC Data and information collected from member states and related research output Other sources Map of ocean litter ENVIRONMENTAL FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGY cleaning technology Environmental friendly technologies to address marine litter pollution and its cases Cleaning cases INTERACTIONS Suggestions collection Access for both public and professional Users to comment ,vote and make suggestions Online Comments and vote Registration management related links Links with UNEP,NOWPAC and RACs websites
Organization of FPMs The 14th DINRAC Focal Points Meeting was held on 26-27 May 2016 in Beijing, China with the support from RCU and active participation of DINRAC Focal Points, other RACs and major NOWPAP partners. The meeting discussed and agreed the budget and workplan for the 2016- 2017 biennium The meeting agreed that the 15th NOWPAP DINRAC Focal Points Meeting will be held in China in mid-May 2015.
Participation in the RACs FP Meetings and other Meetings/Workshops 7-8 April 2016, Toyama, Japan, the 14th CEARAC Focal Points Meeting. There are several workshops designed and jointly organized with partners 26th to 27th, Oct, 2016, Beijing, China, China-ASEAN Environmental Protection Information Sharing Platform Workshop 13th November, Guangzhou, China, NOWPAP DINRAC participated the Consultation Meeting of Freshwater Health Index (Dongjiang Project) It would be necessary to improve the cooperation in some ways with international and regional organizations including NOWPAP DINRAC in the field of Marine environmental data and information exchange for regional environmental governance and management.
Performance Indicators Activities Timing Outputs / Performance Indicators Quarterly Milestone Budget (USD) 2016 2017 Cooperation, Communication of DINRAC Activities Continuous throughout the biennium Regular contacts with other relevant organizations and programmes Throughout 5,000 Organization of FPMs May 2016, May 2017 FPM reports Invitations sent out (8 weeks before FPM), working documents prepared and uploaded on website (6 weeks before FPMs), visa documents sent (4 weeks before FPM) Draft FPM reports circulated (1 week after FPM) and then finalized (3 weeks after FPM) 25,000 Development of DINRAC Website * Upgraded website platform * DINRAC website with user-friendly interface and easy-to-access database * User friendly interface for WebGIS with 3 thematic maps 3Q 2016: Design and administration interface changed 4Q 2016: migration of data from the old DINRAC website is completed 2Q: 2017: development of WebGIS system with MERRAC is completed, development of invasive species is partly completed 4Q 2017: development of invasive species is completed in WebGIS system 15,000 Annual Update of Existing Databases * Updated databases with latest information available * Annual publication of data inventory on the website and in hard copy 2Q 2016: MoUs signed 1Q 2017: data collected 2Q 2017: data compilation 3Q 2017: upload to DINRAC website 4,000 Maintain and update marine litter data and information based on inputs by member states and other RACs Updated marine litter data 3,000
Performance Indicators Activities Timing Outputs / Performance Indicators Quarterly Milestone Budget (USD) 2016 2017 Annual Summary of Major Marine Environmental Data Available in Member States Nov 2016, Nov 2017 * Collection of thematic marine environmental data * Compiled data * Data updated to the DINRAC website 2Q 2016: MoUs signed 2Q 2017: data collected for 2015 3Q 2017: data collected for 2015 updated to DINRAC the website 8,000 Compilation on Marine Environmental Standards Nov 2015 Nov 2016 * Brief regional overview on existing standards related to marine environment and marine ecosystem * Database on standards related to marine environment and marine ecosystem in the NOWPAP Region 2Q 2016: MoUs signed with experts 1Q 2017: Collected standards 2Q 2017: Complied standards with supplementary statements 3Q 2017: update to the DINRAC website 6,000 5,000 Collection of Data and Information on Species Filed in the Red Lists of NOWPAP Member States (Second Stage) Collected information on endangered species Compiled data were uploaded to the DINRAC website 2Q 2016: MoUs were signed 1Q 2017: Data were collected 3Q 2017: Data were compiled 4Q 2017: upload to the DINRAC website 10,000 Total: 76,000 70,000
The end Thank you so much for the attention!