Code Generation from SEDS NASA has developed a tool that takes as input a software component SEDS and a cFS mission configuration file (XML) and generates C language header files Header files currently just contain the message definitions, and engineering unit conversions The tool is being integrated into the cFS build system used by multiple NASA centers NASA is using a tool, Simulink Interface Layer (SIL) to autogenerate cFS components from a Simulink model Used first on the LADEE mission In work is SEDS tool for the SIL so that Simulink models can import and export SEDS
cFS Flight Software Architecture EPS HW Prop HW SEDS defines this interface for devices Analog card I/O DIO card I/O C&T Application EPS Application GNC-G Application GNC-C Application Prop Application AFM Application GNC Sensors Mass Storage System SSR 1553 GPS/SIGI SIGI, 1553 IO IMU Preprocessor Nav KF Nav Fast Propagate Nav UPP GPS 232 GPS IO Data Storage Altimeter 232 Alt IO LN200 IMU Inter-task Message Router (SW Bus) Health & 422 Safety LN200 IO Manager Software Scheduler Limit Checker Telemetry Output Command Ingest Software Bus Time Executive Event Table Housekeeping Services Services Services Services Custom IO Apps CFS Core Services SEDS can define this interface for all cFS software components CFS Configurable Applications Mission Specific Apps
Code Generation of Software Components spacecraft Profile/configuration SOIS EDS XML File(s) Code Generation tools Executive Services
Current SOIS Focus: Definition and Use of EDS
XTCE Generation from SEDS NASA has developed a tool that takes as input a software component SEDS and a mission configuration file (XML) and generates an XTCE database for importing to different mission systems
SEDS to XTCE The Basic Framework ITOS T&C Note: has GSFC XTCE exporter, used for LRO but not mature SOIS EDS XML File SOIS EDS XML File XTCE XML File(s) SOIS EDS XML File Existing GSFC Telemetry only Importer Tool with mission use lineage (DAT, SDO, MMS) SOIS EDS XML File(s) Ball Cosmo T&C Note: has XTCE exporter, not tested Existing GSFC tools & Ball Cosmos Importer. Currently being used by JPL+GSFC w/LRO telemetry database untried Basic tlm/cmd database, Mission systems adds: Ground calibrators Limits Units mnemonics Mission related specialization ASIST T&C Note: a basic import of XTCE telemetry would be possible without a large level of effort Existing GSFC Telemetry Importer Only. Used for DAT, SDO, MMS. (also ingested but did not use: GPM, EO1) SOIS EDS XSD XTCE XSD (V1.1) Send tlm packet for display (or commands)