Martin Kollman FY17 Perkins Fall Update Martin Kollman
Perkins Need To Know November 1st – Progress Report Due Changes on equipment, supplies, PD or other budget areas need to be checked by KSDE vial email. Time and effort recorded for substitute teachers, contracted labor, or development. Perkins Reserve grants keep coming out all year long. Watch Pathway Listserv!
Progress Report Tips Give a couple examples of how you are meeting each area. Quality, not quantity is what we want. Feel free to use pathway application examples as proof. Report what you have done and what may happen in the remaining school year for your area. It is okay not to meet all goals.
Perkins Reserve Grants Funding is limited for 2016-17 due to IPS support for districts. (Career Cruising) Help consultants to identify needs in equipment, supplies, PD and required up-skills for teachers. Reserve grants are generally high cost items, technology related, professional development, or other suggested resources by advisory committees. Reports, final expenditure and deadlines are included in all grants. Notify district clerk or finance of grant award. Identify Perkins Reserve Funds in Financials
Key Changes – July 1, 2016 Food With Perkins – Watch that meals are part of a dissemination, workshop, or conference and not the reason for the meeting. Location, agenda & working. Last Drawdown Period - Funds spent by June 30th & drawdown during July period using Form 240. (July 1 – 19) Spend all your money! Work with KSDE to resolve financial issues.
Key Changes – July 1, 2015 Documentation of Processes The one new thing is that you MUST have written documentation of ALL your processes that involve Perkins or other Federal grants. (Electronic or Paper) Risk Assessment (Monitoring) will be based on applications, performance reports, expenditures, data submitted to state, goal progress and time since last.
Risk Assessment Model Student Information - Information, data, progress and/or achievement by students are documented and identified in goals and outcomes. Pathways - All applicable Pathways are considered and represented in some manner at a district or consortia level. Career Exploration - Careers, continuing education, and professional learning experiences are available in all pathways. Workforce - Advisory committee input, regional workforce data, state labor markets, and/or student interest inventory identified.
Risk Assessment Model Data- All Pathways, STCO, CTE Student, Follow-up and other district related data was correctly submitted by the assigned deadlines. Equipment - All equipment was appropriate, met industry standards, and was purchased prior to the Deadline. Progress Report 1 & 2 - Progress report clearly identifies goals met and progress attained supported by data and timeline dates. Required uses addressed. Progress Report 2 - Progress report clearly identifies goals met and progress attained supported by data and timeline dates. Required uses addressed.
Risk Assessment Model Final Report - Final report identifies all completed and continuing goals, findings, reflection, and is supported by data and completion dates. Summary of future goals and plans identified. Final Expenditure - Final expenditure form fully completed with the latest budget version reflected. Finances are spent, accurate and appropriate.
Monitoring for FY16 Perkins Monitoring Sites: Review of FY16 Funds 202 Turner 265 Goddard 266 Maize 305 Salina 368 Miami 383 Manhattan 409 Atchison 470 Arkansas City 475 Geary County 501 Topeka Documentation Needed: Perkins Monitoring Doc, Budget Sheet, & associated documentation Electronic copies of PO, receipts, substitutes, PD, conferences, travel Progress Reports, Final Report, Final/Revised Application
Equipment & Supplies Keep an inventory of your equipment & supplies purchased with Perkins funds until they are no longer used by CTE. Under $5,000 is a supply. Over requires a State sticker from Tiffany Hoffman. Equipment must be purchased by December 1st.
Stand Alone vs. Consortium Stand alone district Perkins grant must receive $15,000 or more. Smaller amounts must join a consortium to receive funds. Consortium files a grant application together, has 1 fiscal agent, and collaborates on projects, PD and purchasing as a group.
Non-Traditional Pathways Non-traditional pathways are typically selected by more than 75% of one gender or other underrepresented population. Some are identified by the federal government and others are by KSDE. KSDE Non-traditional web site KSDE Non-traditional pathway list Make every pathway for every student!
Perkins V News? Perkins IV of 2006 was a 5 year plan that is still continuing under same model. Possible changes expected under this current federal session, but still up in the air when. Emphasis on partnerships with B&I, PS, non-CTE teachers, & community. Emphasis on stackable classes, certifications, and industry skill sets. Emphasis on measurable items; such as data, outcomes, and accomplishments. Non-tradional has not gone away
Upcoming Events KSDE Drive-ins KSDE Conference – Oct 25 & 26 ACTE Vision – Nov 30 – Dec 3 Las Vegas February CTE Conference – Feb 7 &8 NACTEI – May 8-11 – Little Rock
Questions Martin Kollman – Peggy Torrens –