Reference Management Using Mendeley CM4269 Welcome everyone. Today session is about reference management using Mendeley. 4 October 2017, 10 – 11am
Why is Mendeley important to you? Insert and edit citations in MS Word Generate the Bibliography Change citation styles immediately CITE/USE COLLABORATE/ NETWORK Collaborate with your groupmates Share documents/references with your group Why 1 3 4 are important in CM4269? Benefits Add PDFs and citations Grab citations with the Web Importer BUILD
Build Populating a Mendeley Library So let’s talk about how Mendeley can help you to bring organization to your references. Populating a Mendeley Library
A few ways to add references… Mendeley Web Importer Adding PDFs Export from Databases OECD World Bank Scopus etc
1. Web Importer / Browser extension Save research while browsing online There are a few more ways to import documents into your library, such as by using the Web Importer, which lets you save references and PDFs you’ve found on the internet. If you go to this website, you’ll see this page, which explains how to install the Web Importer. I’ll show you what it looks like in action.
Web Importer / Browser extension Mendeley makes it easy for you to continue building your library. The Web Importer is a bookmarklet that you can add to your web browser. When you click on this item in your browser’s favorites, the Web Importer will attempt to detect references on the page you’re viewing and ask if you want to add them to your library. You can also use it to add web pages to your library. I’ll show you the Web Importer in more detail shortly. Mendeley also operates a Research Catalog - the largest crowd-sourced collections of papers available online. You can search the online catalog to identify references you want in your library, and add them with just a few clicks. Certain online catalogs, such as ScienceDirect - pictured here - allow you to export references directly to Mendeley. Look out for the Export button on pages like this. Other catalogs will allow you to export in file formats such as RIS, which can then be added to Mendeley using the File menu. It works with selected databases & quality of info varies with the source
Using the Web Importer Click ‘Import to Mendeley’ to import references from your search results Select an article and import the reference to your library in one click. Any time you come across an interesting article online, or when you do a search on Google Scholar or one of our many partner sites such as PubMed, you can save this article to your library by clicking ‘Save to Mendeley’. A window will then pop up, like the one you see on the right. Select any articles you’d like to import, and then click the green button to save them. Done! Mendeley will also save the PDF, it available.
Why OECD / World Bank? Process Design & Optimisation Project “… Design your process on Green Chemistry Principles and do an economic analysis,…” Tutorial Presentation “… Explain (quantitatively) how the approach that is taken in the real world relates to the workshop”
OECD (Book section) You can also cite book chapter in your Mendeley. Click to “read” one of the chapters and use the Web Importer to import the references. Again, not all details are captured. You need to input Author, Book title and Publisher in Mendeley.
OECD (Book section) You can also cite book chapter in your Mendeley. Click to “read” one of the chapters and use the Web Importer to import the references. Click the DOI link to get a more accurate reference page.
OECD (Book section) You can also cite book chapter in your Mendeley. Click to “read” one of the chapters and use the Web Importer to import the references. Here, click the web importer button. The details will be captured.
OECD (Book section) In addition to author, also need to key in the Book title and Publisher Key in “OECD,” (without quotes) for institutional authors You can also cite book chapter in your Mendeley. Click to “read” one of the chapters and use the Web Importer to import the references. Again, not all details are captured. You need to input Author, Book title and Publisher in Mendeley.
World Bank (Web page) In World Bank, as the data is openly available online, we can cite it as a web page. On the result page (e.g. the data page), you can click the web importer to import the reference. Remember to add the authors “The World Bank”.
World Bank (Web page) Key in “The World Bank,” (without quotes) for institutional authors In World Bank, as the data is openly available online, we can cite it as a web page. On the result page (e.g. the data page), you can click the web importer to import the reference. Remember to add the authors “The World Bank”.
3. Adding PDFs Select a PDF file or folder to add from your computer Drag & Drop also works! Mendeley also offers a number of other options for adding material to your library. You can find these by opening the File menu. You can choose to add individual files, or the contents of an entire folder by browsing to the relevant location on your computer. You can opt to ‘watch’ a folder - which will mean that Mendeley monitors that location for any new items being dropped into the folder. If it finds a new document, that document will be automatically added to your Mendeley library. You can also easily import a library from other reference managers, so if you’ve tried out EndNote, or another software and found them not to your liking, you can carry across your library to Mendeley easily. You also have the option to create a reference manually - which will allow you to complete a number of fields by hand.
PDFs PDFs: 1. Are not scanned images 2. Have DOI Click on the PDF, drag and drop into your Mendeley Desktop You could imagine DOI as an uniquely assigned ID of a document/article. The simplest way is to click and hold on the PDF icon of the document you want. Drag the icon and drop a file right into Mendeley.
Importing PDFs from Scopus PDF is attached, and reference information is entered automatically In Scopus, you can view and download the full-text articles by clicking “Find It! NUS Libraries”. Once you download the PDF, you can drag and drop the file into Mendeley and
Re-Cap 1. Mendeley Web Importer Reference 2. Import an RIS/BibTeX file 3a. Drag & Drop a PDF Reference + PDF 3b. Import a folder containing PDFs Reference + PDF
Cite Using the Mendeley Citation Plug-In One of the most popular features of Mendeley is its ability to improve the citing process. Mendeley makes it a lot easier to insert properly formatted citations throughout a paper you’re writing - and will automatically generate a bibliography for you. It also allows you to restyle your manuscript’s citations with just a few clicks - making it ideal for resubmissions to different journals or publishers. Using the Mendeley Citation Plug-In
Insert citations Edit citations Change citation style
Install the Citation Plug-in You’ll first need to install the citation plugin. This can be done via the Tools menu within Mendeley Desktop. The citation plugin supports Microsoft Word and the free alternative LibreOffice. Depending on which of these you have installed, you will see the prompt to install the plugin. Once installed, the citation plugin will appear within your word processor. Its appearance will vary slightly depending on your operating system, but you will see the same buttons and options in both.
The Citation Tool Bar Appears in Word Automatically Mac On a Mac, the plugin looks like a bar that lists the functions of Mendeley. You can move this bar wherever you like, or you can hide it. If it ever accidentally disappears, don’t worry. Go to View, then Toolbars, and click ‘Mendeley Toolbar’ to make it re-appear. If you are using MS Word 2016, you can see the toolbar under Add-In. In Windows, you can find it under the ‘References’ tab and the toolbar is integrated into the Ribbon. Windows
Generate In-Text Citations in Word Click ‘Insert Citation’ Search by author, title or year, or select a document from your Mendeley library Now imagine you’re working on your own research in Word. When you’re ready to add a citation to your paragraph, click ‘Insert or Edit Citation’. A new window will pop up. Simply type in the name of the author, part of the title, or the year, and Mendeley will show you a list of matches. You can also click ‘Go to Mendeley’ to pick an article from your library. Now click ‘OK’ to add the citation in Word, and it will appear. 3. Select the article or book, and click ‘ok’ to automatically cite that text in Word
Editing and Adding to Citations 1. Select your citation and click ‘Edit Citation’ 2. Click on your citation (here: ‘Hong 2016’) You can edit your citation with Mendeley as well. To add page numbers or other information, select your citation and click ‘Insert or Edit Citation’ in the Mendeley toolbar. Now click on your citation to make an expanded menu appear, which you can see here towards the bottom. Now you can add page numbers, paragraphs, figures, or other details. You can also suppress the author here. 3. Use the Citation Editor to add page numbers, other information, or to suppress the author
Merging Citations Many publishers require adjacent citations to be combined into a single, properly-styled format. Mendeley can handle this for you. Just insert two separate citations, highlight them both in the word processor and press ‘Merge Citations’ to combine them.
Inserting Your Bibliography Once you’ve done adding citations you’ll need to generate a bibliography. Ensure your cursor is positioned where you want your bibliography to appear and press the ‘Insert Bibliography’ button - it just takes one click! Mendeley will now look through your manuscript, pick out all the citations you’ve added and order them into a list. The exact ordering and appearance of your bibliography will depend on the citation style - which we’ll talk about next. All formatting of the bibliography (font size, line spaces, hanging paragraphs) are done in Microsoft Word application
Changing Citation Styles There are a few default citation styles pre-installed in your Mendeley. You can select among the popular styles such as APA, APS or Harvard. If your preferred style is not listed in the drop-down menu, you ca always select “more styles” in the menu.
Finding a Citation Style Click on ‘Get More Styles’ if you are not using the standard styles under the ‘Installed’ tab There are > 6,000 styles available In the menu that pops up, you can select “Get More Styles” to download the style you want from the Mendeley Server. Make sure you are online when downloading the styles.
Last but not least … Before you submit or share your Word doc …
Collaborate Join and Create Groups to Share References video Let’s talk a bit more about sharing now. Quite often you may want to share materials with other Mendeley users - or even to collaborate directly on a particular paper. Join and Create Groups to Share References
Create a group on Mendeley On Mendeley, you can create groups by clicking “Create Group…”. The group can either be Private, Invite-only or Open. It acts like a Facebook group which you can control the privacy and share news/documents within the group. Private: Only invited group members can see the group, can share full-text articles and references. Invite-only: Public is able to follow the group, but only can share references. Open: Public can join the group as well. On MIE, you can create unlimited private groups!
Mendeley Group - Invite members Type in an email address to invite a member You can invite members by clicking “Members” Tab. Please type in their email addresses and wait for their confirmations. To accept the invitation: Click the link in email, OR Go to -> Groups
Mendeley Group - Share references/documents You can comment on the PDF in Mendeley! Secondly, you can share documents and references in the Mendeley group. The PDFs are shared among all the group members. The annotations and notes you made on the PDF are sync-ed and the changes are reflected in every group member’s Mendeley library. You have 100 GB cloud storage if you sign up for MIE
PDF Viewer Highlight and Annotate Documents If you’ve added PDF papers to your library, you’ll also be able to open them for reading within Mendeley Desktop. This offers you a number of opportunities… Highlight and Annotate Documents
The PDF Viewer The Reader’s layout will be familiar if you’ve used Adobe Acrobat or similar software. At the top of the screen you’ll see a number of tools, which are mostly self-explanatory. You’ll also notice that Mendeley operates a tabbed format - allowing you to open multiple PDFs for reading at once, and to switch back and forth between them. Mendeley will remember where you were up to in a paper when you open it and take you back to the same place.
Highlighting and Annotating You can highlight important passages using the Highlight tool - just as you would when reading a physical copy. This allows you to pick out important passages from a paper. You can also add notes to the paper to help organize your thoughts. These can be done either in the Notes box which appears in the document detail panels. These notes are document-wide and can also be viewed from the main library view - without opening the paper for reading. Alternatively, you can add ‘sticky notes’ to specific locations in the text. These allow you to make content-specific notes at a particular location. Sticky notes that are added in this way will appear in the list of annotations in the document details panel. You can use these entries to jump to the appropriate location within the paper - allowing you to retrieve your notes in context.
Sync Syncing is a core concept in Mendeley. Whenever you make changes in Mendeley, you’ll need to sync in order to push those changes up into cloud storage. Syncing will also pull down any changes made on other devices. It’s a good idea to sync regularly to ensure that your documents and annotations are saved in the cloud. You can sync at any time by using the sync button. Mendeley will also sync automatically each time you open it.
Activity Time!
Summary of the day We learnt how to use Mendeley to: Build a reference library using Web Importer, PDF and Databases Cite and Edit references in Microsoft Word Create groups to share references and PDFs Why 1 3 4 are important in CM4269? Benefits
Tech Support (UK) Science Library Email us: If you have questions or problems, Mendeley have a dedicated support team in place to help out. You can raise a support ticket via the website, or contact them via email or Twitter. If you have ideas or suggestions about how Mendeley could be improved, Mendeley would love to hear them. The teams tries to take suggestions from the community into account when developing new features.
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