Unit 6 Application Design Sample Assignment
U6 Application Design 1 2 3 4 Learning Outcomes What is an application? 3 What is a prototype? 4 Practice Assignment
Unit 6 Learning Outcomes 1 Understand how applications are designed Be able to investigate potential solutions for application developments Be able to generate designs for application solutions Be able to present application solutions to meet client and user requirements
What is an application? 2 A computer program that is created for a particular purpose.
Application Development Definition Investigation & Analysis Design Implementation Testing Installation Documentation Evaluation Maintenance SLC is a process of stages which occur during the development of a new ICT system or application SYSTEM LIFE CYCLE Application development models divide the process of development into distinct phases. Development processes vary depending on the model but all include, in some form stages, i.e.: • requirements analysis • design • implementation/coding • testing • deployment • maintenance prototype
What is a prototype? 3 https://www.youtube.com/user/Balsamiq The production of an initial design of and application prior to production it in commercial quantities.
Practice Assignment 3 Part A – Training Part B – Designing the application Part C – Client brief
Part C - Brief The client is Mrs Kay and Mr Reid who wants to meet the needs of year 7 pupils who find it difficult to find their way around school. They want something that could help pupils get around school and finding the correct rooms for their lessons. The client wants and application to help users to be able to navigate from one room to another in the school.
Part B – Designing the application You will be required to: gather and document the client’s requirements; identify possible solutions and produce a feasibility study for the client; prepare their designs and present them to the client; negotiate and document any adaptations agreed with the client; develop a prototype; test the prototype and gather feedback from the client/user; analyse the feedback and implement any changes required.
gather and document the client’s requirements; client and user interviews e.g. closed and open questions leading questions observation of tasks analysis of existing documents and systems
gather and document the client’s requirements; Functional requirements, what the application should do data and information collected and used in the existing approach data and information to be collected and used in the new application functions or processing that the applic ation should perform outputs from the application functional requirements Input Process Output
Part B – Designing the application You will be required to: gather and document the client’s requirements; identify possible solutions and produce a feasibility study for the client; prepare their designs and present them to the client; negotiate and document any adaptations agreed with the client; develop a prototype; test the prototype and gather feedback from the client/user; analyse the feedback and implement any changes required.
identify possible solutions and produce a feasibility study for the client; …