Where the city is the classroom! Aberdeen CityLabs Where the city is the classroom! Robyn Hannaford Bogdan Goroneanu Enhancement Themes conference, Thursday 9 June 2016 John McIntyre Conference Centre, Edinburgh
Transition Skills EMPLOYABILITY Problem solving Negotiation Teamwork Communication Commercial awareness Confidence Organisation Problem solving Negotiation Teamwork Self-reflection Motivation Handle pressure Leadership
CityLabs Out of the classroom And into the city! Human centered approach Empowering self-reflection on strengths and weaknesses Out of the classroom and back into the world AIM: Tackle local issues of the city through innovative student-driven approaches
Timeline 10 weeks Ideation Contextualization Disruptive Thinking Define Discover Design Develop Deliver Ideation Contextualization Disruptive Thinking Networking / Feasibility Prototyping / Presenting 10 weeks Immersion in local environment – identify Potential solutions – unpack idea Conceive idea – disruptive thinking Networking / feasability assessment Prototyping / presentations
Society People Outcomes Food waste Parks culture Event portal Ability to reflect on strengths and weaknesses Teamwork Reflective of real work environment Project management Thinking through different lenses to instill Creativity Giving back to society Individuated approach allows for development of individual wherever she may be Event portal Culture hub Cycle safety
Conclusions Enhancing student transitions to graduate life Through work environment and society
Find Out More! https://citylababz.wordpress.com/ Robynth@gmail.com Bogdan.Goroneanu@bk.ru