Floor Barrington’s P.E. Curriculum Hockey
Professional Ice Hockey Ice Hockey originated in Canada in the 19th century. The first formal game was played in Kingston, Ontario in 1855. The game is divided into three twenty minute periods. Eighteen to twenty players make up each team. Six players are on the ice at one time. Substitutions are made (on the fly). The three basic positions in Hockey are; the goalie, defensemen and forwards (left wing, right wing and center). The two most common infractions on the ice are offside's ( a player is in the attack zone before the puck). Icing is when one team shoots the puck from their end of the ice all the way to behind the other teams goal.
Rules of Play – Floor Hockey The game is started with a faceoff between the centers taken at the center circle. Faceoffs restart the game after a goal or at the beginning of a period. The center cannot score on a face off unless it first touches an offensive player. PE class hockey begins with the ball being placed on the floor between two opposing players. The players touch the blade of their sticks to the floor and then against their opponents stick three times before they can touch the ball.
PE Class Safety Rules 1.Goalies should wear protective helmet. 2. Players must keep two hands on the stick at all times. 3. Keep your eye on the ball at all times. 4. Extra players must stay off the playing floor and pay attention to play. 5. Sticks must stay in contact with the floor. No high sticking (above the knee). 6. No pushing, shoving, tripping, or rough play. 7. Players and their sticks may not enter the goal crease. 8. Goalies may only pick up the ball when it is located in the crease or behind the goal . 9. Goalies must roll the ball after stopping a shot. 10. Do not lift the ball when shooting or passing. 11. Play stops immediately when a whistle blows. 12. Return all equipment to the designated area.
PE Game Rules Consists of two halves. No time outs/continuous play One half of the class will play while the other half sits on the side. Then the two groups switch so everyone participates. The procedure is repeated so everyone plays two halves. No time outs/continuous play Penalties Roughing Tripping Slashing Pushing Checking
Scoring Goal is scored any time the puck touches or crosses the goal line on the ground or in the air Goal is not allowed, if an offensive player is in the crease. Puck can not be deliberately kicked or hit by a hand into the goal
Goal Keeper May use either hands or stick to clear the puck away from the goal. A goalie may not score a goal for their team Shots directly on a goal or directly above the goal that go out of play shall be returned to the goalie to put back in play A goalie may put the ball back in play by rolling the ball to a teammate The goalie is the only player that is allowed in the crease.
Forwards/Defenders Defensemen- (D) The defense cannot go past the centerline into offensive areas. It is their responsibility to keep the puck/ball out of their defensive half of the floor. Forwards- These players are the offense. They consist of the Center (C), Left Wing (LW), and Right Wing (RW). Forwards work offensively and cannot go past the centerline into their defensive area.
TECHNIQUES OF PLAYING Stick handling Playing the puck keep hands separated 8 to 12 inches on the stick right handed player keep right hand in lower position, same as left handed. Playing the puck keep your eyes on the puck follow all shots your own or others floor hockey is a Team sport.