Mary – Be Encouraged! - the most misunderstood mom! Chris Gnanakan, D.Min, Ph.D, D.D. Director of training, Outreach To Asia Nationals (OTAN) Professor of theology & Global studies, Liberty University
1. Mary’s Dreams: a right Christmas?! A virgin ‘expecting Jesus’; angel, ‘fear not you’re pregnant!’ Reasonable doubt “how can this be?!” to accept or explain God’s will: my plans, parents, Joe, in-laws, society, church… Jesus: abortion, born in parking lot, asylum seeker, refugee
2. Mary’s Faith: be it to me as the Lord… Scriptures: No Bible to tell her so, Mary did you know? Son was given, not born; God sent forth, Mary delivered Spirit’s overshadowing work: from creation to her womb Sovereignty: Q&A ‘will I accept that which I can’t explain?’
3. Mary’s Encouragers: unexpected folk Joseph, righteous man shows kindness, takes her as his wife Elizabeth, cousin with miracle boy, cares during 1st trimester Shepherds given “sign” to identify baby Jesus as Davidic King Simeon confirms long-awaited Messiah, hope of all nations! Gentile king-makers visit with gift$ to worship Christ the Lord
4. Mary’s Heart: pierced to ponder… Prophetic role: treasure & ponder; ridiculed & rejected Parental anxiety: 3-day search, Father’s business, hurts! from Mother to “woman”; more wine, not my time, Niki Jesus’ “real” family?! All who are doing His Father’s will Be encouraged at the foot of cross, Yes, Jesus loves me!
5. Mary’s little… Lamb of God! God’s handmaid, struggled with yet submitted to His will No Way? YHWH each stage, will make a way; trust & obey New ID: 1st disciple takes up her cross to follow… her Lord Mary knew where is? watched, sings worthy is the Lamb!
Discussion Questions: How does Mary’s response to her life’s situation show us God still uses ordinary people, who welcome his Spirit and delight to do his will? How did Mary deal with the unexpected news of her unusual pregnancy? How would you cope with such hurtful stigma, if it was in your society? Discuss the different classes or kinds of people that God used to offer Mary encouragement and list various areas in which she received these. At what stages of Mary’s motherhood did God met her needs. What does this teach us about the need to constantly trust and follow God’s plan? Ponder the ways God has provided for you so far, and thank Him for the people who he has, and still uses to strengthen you as you serve Him. As you count your blessings, share with someone how “all things work together for good to all who love God and are called per his purposes”.