The High Renaissance
1490 – 1530 Italian art reached its peak Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raphael Reconciled Christian theology with Greek philosophy and science
Leonardo da Vinci Art and science are two means to the same end: knowledge Journals of notes and drawings Camera obscura
MONA LISA Faint smile Landscape Hazy light quality; sfumato Glazes Portrait – unknown to the medieval period
MONA LISA. Leonardo da Vinci. 1503 – 1506.
The Last Supper Renaissance humanism Accessible, earthly setting Linear perspective Greatest implied depth; infinity Christ is the stable trinagle
THE LAST SUPPER. Leonardo da Vince. 1495 – 1498.
Michelangelo Buonarroti David as a hero, defender of a just cause The Sistine Chapel Divided into 3 zones Nine scenes from Genesis Prophets Figures (Christ’s biblical ancestors) The Last Judgment on end wall
Expresses Renaissance humanist concept of god Idealized Rational man Actively tends to creation Interest in humans
CREATION OF ADAM. Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo Bounarroti. 1508 – 1512.
Raphael Sanzio Innovated in most types of painting THE SCHOOL OF ATHENS Composition organized into symmetrical subgroups Revolved around Plato and Aristotle Elevates human reason