WHAT IS PLAGIARISM? The Australian English Dictionary defines Plagiarism as, “STEALING IDEAS, PASSAGES, ETC…from someone else’s work and PRESENTING it as your own.” Lecture B_Plagiarism
Facts on Plagiarism – STEALING Is an offence Not acceptable Unethical/Unauthorized Penalties FAILURE Lecture B_Plagiarism
Ways to use ideas? Quotations – using ideas in inverted commas Citations – embedded in the body but gives reference to the author Endnotes/Footnotes – gives credit to any borrowed material through citation Referencing – is the acknowledgment of published and unpublished materials Bibliography – list of books on a subject; list of sources in a book Lecture B_Plagiarism
QUOTATION: Using inverted commas/quotation marks “….” you can borrow ideas from other authors However you must give reference to the authors Borrowed ideas can be indented or incorporated in the body of the work Author’s name, year of publication and page number in brackets Example: “The reader needs to know the important views…..” (Eisenberg 1998, p.5) Lecture B_Plagiarism
CITATION: Citation is work/ideas that are either directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised Ideas that are borrowed and embedded in the body of the work that denotes a bibliographic reference Its uses abbreviated alphanumeric expressions Example; In a study (Seedhouse,1997) coping with illness was investigated… Lecture B_Plagiarism
ENDNOTES/FOOTNOTES: Footnotes and Endnotes both give credit to sources of borrowed material/s Difference – - Footnotes are placed numerically at the foot of the very same page where the direct reference is made Endnotes are place numerically at the end of the essay on a separate page entitled Endnotes/Notes Only ONE sentence is used i.e., only one period or full stop is used Example: 2 G. Wayne Miller, King of Hearts: The True Story (New York: Times, 2000) 245. Lecture B_Plagiarism
BIBLIOGRAPHY With all your citations, quoting and referencing there must be some acknowledgement of the sources Must appear on a separate page In alphabetical order according to the Author’s surname (not numbered) Format: Surname, Initial of first name., (YOP) TOB. (bolded italized or underlined) POP, Publisher. Example: Sligo, F., (1990) Conflict Management: a New Zealand Handbook. Wellington, GP Books. Lecture B_Plagiarism
Conclusion Remember and understand – - plagiarism is stealing - there are penalties and will NOT be tolerated - always acknowledge ideas and works of others - USE THE METHODS learnt from this lecture & tutorials. Lecture B_Plagiarism