Overhead Distribution Systems RULE NO. 1 All Tools and Templates have a support function in the strategic planning process. The following slides should definitely not drive us in our strategy planning but be of great help when consolidating. Please note: This is a set of recommended template which should support us in the strategic preparation phase. None of this templates are mandatory. It is up to BA PTMV to decide which templates support us in our analysis. So we will only use what makes sense for our type of business. And last but not least: Have fun with the SWOT Analysis and contact me if you need my help. Jasmin Staiblin
The Example Distribution Circuit Typical of suburban/rural circuits 10 miles of 3-Phase 13.8 kV Main Feeder 8 single-phase laterals, evenly distributed on the main feeder. Each lateral 3 miles long, and connected to the main feeder through a fuse A total of 1800 customers (8 x 225 customers/lateral) Distribution Substation 10 miles 3 miles 115 kV 13.8 kV
Improving Distribution Reliability with Reclosers Basic Radial System Case 1 SAIFI: 4.3 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 8.8 hrs/yr MAIFI: 0.0 mom/yr Substation 10 miles Circuit Breaker with No Reclosing Capability Case 2 Substation 10 miles SAIFI: 1.6 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 3.3 hrs/yr MAIFI: 8.7 mom/yr R Recloser
Use of Line Reclosers Case 3 SAIFI: 2.6 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 5.4 hrs/yr MAIFI: 2.1 mom/yr Substation 5 miles 5 miles R Circuit Breaker with No Reclosing Capability Case 4 SAIFI: 1.2 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 2.6 hrs/yr MAIFI: 6.5 mom/yr Substation 5 miles 5 miles R R Recloser
Loop Configuration with Manual Switch Case 5 Substation 1 5 miles 5 miles R SAIFI: 1.2 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 2.3 hrs/yr MAIFI: 6.5 mom/yr Manual Tie Switch Substation 2 R Assumptions Circuit breakers have reclosing capability Manual Tie Switch requires 1 hour to switch Reclosers require 1 minute to switch
Automatic Loop Restoration - 3 Reclosers Case 6 Substation 1 5 miles 5 miles R SAIFI: 1.0 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 2.1 hrs/yr MAIFI: 6.8 mom/yr N.C. Recloser N.O. Recloser R Substation 2 R N.C. Recloser N.C. - Normally-Closed N.O. - Normally-Open Assumptions Circuit breakers have reclosing capability Reclosers require 1 minute to switch
Automatic Loop Restoration - 5 Reclosers Case 7 Substation 1 3.3 miles 3.3 miles 3.3 miles R R N.C. Recloser N.C. Recloser N.O. Recloser R Substation 2 R R N.C. Recloser N.C. Recloser N.C. - Normally-Closed N.O. - Normally-Open SAIFI: 0.8 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 1.7 hrs/yr MAIFI: 6.5 mom/yr Assumptions Circuit breakers have reclosing capability Reclosers require 1 minute to switch
Summary of Reclosing Benefits Hrs/Yr %* 8.8 ---- Case 1 - No reclosing 3.3 63% Case 2 - Substation reclosing R R Case 4 - Line Recloser 2.6 70% R 2.3 74% Case 5 - Loop with Manual Switch R 2.1 76% Case 6 - 3-Recloser Automatic Loop Restoration R 1.7 81% Case 7 - 5-Recloser Automatic Loop Restoration *% Improvement as compared to Case 1
Automatic Loop Restoration - 3 Reclosers ***With Single-Pole Reclosing*** Substation 1 5 miles 5 miles R SAIFI: 0.8 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 1.8 hrs/yr MAIFI: 3.1 mom/yr N.C. Recloser N.O. Recloser R Substation 2 R N.C. Recloser N.C. - Normally-Closed N.O. - Normally-Open Assumptions Circuit breakers have reclosing capability Reclosers require 1 minute to switch
Automatic Loop Restoration - 5 Reclosers ***With Single-Pole Reclosing*** Substation 1 3.3 miles 3.3 miles 3.3 miles R R N.C. Recloser N.C. Recloser N.O. Recloser R Substation 2 R R N.C. Recloser N.C. Recloser N.C. - Normally-Closed N.O. - Normally-Open SAIFI: 0.6 int/cust/yr SAIDI: 1.4 hrs/yr MAIFI: 2.7 mom/yr Assumptions Circuit breakers have reclosing capability Reclosers require 1 minute to switch
Benefits of Single-Pole Reclosing
Predictive Reliability Analysis ABB Consulting’s Performance AdvantageTM Software Useful for: Looking at system configuration and design Placement of protective devices Impacts of changes in failure rates and restoration times Analyzing system reliability from a graphical perspective and determining the most cost-effective solutions
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