Intramural Softball Captains Meeting
Contact Us @tcnjrecwell Shawn Dean Sport Clubs and Intramural Sports (609) 771-3489 TCNJ IM Staff (609) 771-2223 @tcnjrecwell
Our Leagues Greek League, Open-Competitive, Open Recreational Sunday’s on Green Lane 1-7pm Games Start Sunday, 4/2 Playoffs 4/30, Finals 5/7 4 Week Season
The Game Minimum 8 players (CoRec: at least 3 of each gender) Up to 10 person batting order Batting lineup must be given to Supervisor on duty Late arrivers are placed at the end of the order One hour or 7 innings Do not start a new, full inning after the 45 minute mark
Equipment Players can bring their own gloves, but we provide everything Bases Gloves Softballs Catcher Equipment Bats (have to use the bats provided No Metal Spikes
The Fields – Hitting Into Same Outfield Bridge Sheds
Strike Zone Width of the plate Middle of Chest to knees Pitch must be soft toss Must have 6-12 foot arch If not, wave it off and call a ball No windmills/fast pitch Each batter starts with a 1-1 count
Scoring 10 run limit per inning Mercy Rule However, more than 10 runs can be scored. This occurs if runners are on base and the last batter up hits an extra-base hit and all runners score. If the run total goes above ten, all runs will count then the inning will end. Mercy Rule Up 15 after the 3rd inning Up 10 after the 5th inning Do not start a new inning after :45 If the weather causes us to stop a game: After 3 full innings, revert to last full inning, game will be official
Other Rules No Sliding No Bunting No Base Stealing All batters start with a 1-1 count While on a 2-strike count, 2 foul balls will constitute an out Designated Runners are allowed for injured players onlyOverthrows: From the infield: 1 base From outfield: 2 bases
Other Rules Continued Hitting team is responsible for retrieving foul balls Being hit with a pitch will be a ball, unless considered intentional Infield fly rule is in effect Less than 2 outs People on First and Second or bases loaded