Collaborative Initiative on FASD Participating Site: The University of New Mexico Principal Investigator - Philip A. May, Ph.D. Piyadasa Kodituwakku, Ph.D. Colleen Adnams, M.D. Wendy Kalberg, M.A., CED Alfredo Aragon, Ph.D.
Objectives To adminsiter a neurobehavioral core test battery to children with confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure and controls from communities in South Africa and the Northern Plains, for combination with data collected at other international sites. To test the radex model which hypothesizes that complex tasks at the top of the task hierarchy highly discriminate between children with FASD and controls.
New Mexico Site Progress Report 23 children tested to date 13 males and 10 females 16 Controls, 7 FASD
Progress Next clinics scheduled February, March, and April, 2006. Will see additional affected and control children to meet our numbers of 25 affected children and 25 control children. Alfredo Aragon, Ph.D. and Jason Blankenship, Ph.D. traveled to San Diego for quality assurance meeting. Went well – following San Diego’s direction David Buckley is the dedicated person for interface with Informatics Core at Indiana from New Mexico. Plan to enter data for consortium use within the next 6 months
SA Accomplishments 2005/6 Sean September, MA, Psychometrist completed training and piloting the battery Training videos sent to San Diego - in process of feedback Bernice Castle, MA oversees day to day activities of this and intervention project Phil May and Wendy Kalberg site visits Testing in progress
Some Preliminary Data from SA 56 children tested FASD = 34 (22 males; 12 females) Non exposed controls = 22 (10 males; 12 females) Mean age: FASD = 10 yr 5mths Controls = 10yr 1 mth All children from 10 schools in the same community
Data at FASD Diagnosis - SA These 56 participants were recruited from a previous epidemiological study in 2002 (Wellington wave 3). They are also participants in the intervention study, so we have supplemental dysmorphology, demographic, maternal and neurobehavioral data to that collected in the International Neuropsychological study.
Data Obtained at FASD Diagnosis FASD n= 34 Mean (SD) Control n=22 P value Dysmorph. score 16.14 (4.38) 7.72 (4.42) <0.001 Head circumference 48.9 (1.69) 50.0 (1.30) <.001 Behavior score PBCL-36 8.59 (8.62) 2.04 (2.60)
International Neuropsychological Battery: Selected data Leiter IQ Score FASD: 73.2 (SD = 12.6) Control: 84.4 (SD = 12.2) * p = 0.002 * significant correlation with dysmorphology score, head cirumference at time of diagnosis
Visual Motor Integration FASD n= 34 Mean mental age mths (SD) Control n=22 P value Beery Visual Motor Integration 91.9 (22.3) 106.1 (19.8) .017 Beery Visual Perception 64.9 (13.6) 77.4 (12.5) .001 Beery Motor Perform. 89.4 (15.2) 97.3 (20.7) N/S
Edinburgh Handedness: No difference in: Edinburgh Handedness: right handed: n = 55 Left handed: n = 1 (FASD) Depression Scale FASD = 9.23 (SD 7.54) Control = 7.00 (SD 3.74)
Achenbach Scales: Teacher’s Behavior Reports DSM-4 Behaviors FASD n= 34 Mean score (SD) Control n=22 P value Affect 2.96 (3.3) 0.33 (.91) .001 Anxiety 1.96 (2.13) 0.52 (1.2) .007 Somatic 0.57 (1.23) 0.14 (0.47) N/S Inattention 4.92 (3.49) 0.90 (0.12) .000 Hyperactivity 3.69 (4.5) 1.09 (1.78) .01 ADHD Total 8.61 (7.10) 2.00 (2.72) Oppositional Def. 1.11 (1.96) 0.47 ( 1.07) Conduct Disorder 2.69 (4.21) 0.43 (0.87) .013
Berkley Sluggish Tempo (ADHD behaviors) FASD n= 34 Mean (SD) Control n=22 P value Total Score 15.72 (11.16) 8.35 (6.82) 0.004