How is your teaching recognized and rewarded in CBS? Dec 12, 2016 Who’s Rating YOUR Teaching? How is your teaching recognized and rewarded in CBS? Dec 12, 2016
How is your teaching Recognized and Rewarded? Mission of the COESP: To SUPPORT and PROMOTE: Education research Learning outcomes development and assessment Evidence-based practice TODAY: We want to help promote your teaching!
TODAY’s AGENDA The Synoptic T&P Policies – 15 min What do our students think about teaching evaluations and where do they go for information about your course? – 20 min ROUNDTABLE: How do you believe your teaching is evaluated? – 45 min/ Break – 10 min What does the research say about teaching evaluations? – 15 min Evaluation alternatives – 20 min ROUNDTABLE: Create a toolkit! How can you / we implement - 45 min OUTCOME: Report back to our colleagues. COESP work with others to determine the next steps
Teaching in CBS Tenure & Promotion Policies The Synoptic Policies Teaching in CBS Tenure & Promotion Policies
Which part of your DOE does this fall under? Warm up Question You research the effectiveness of a different teaching approach in your class and report out the results. Which part of your DOE does this fall under?
Phylogenetic Tree of T&P Policies Common Ancestor? HHNS IB MCB 2008 2012 2014 2010
What’s used to rate your teaching Undergraduate teaching contributions Graduate teaching contributions Peer and student evaluations of teaching Teaching scholarly activity Your Teaching Dossier – required!
Undergraduate Teaching Contributions IB-MCB: delivery of course material classroom and laboratory involvement course and program development distance education involvement supervising research projects MCB counseling and mentoring students HHNS Hours of student contact lectures, labs, tutorials number of students. Course coordination the commitment of time to be estimated by the faculty member The teaching component includes: classroom, laboratory, applied teaching and distance education
Graduate Teaching Contributions IB - MCB advising graduate student research projects participating in graduate advisory committees participating in graduate qualifying and final examinations participation in, and delivery of, graduate courses development of courses and/or programs participating in graduate seminars and colloquia, counseling and mentoring of students IB distance education involvement HHNS Advising of graduate students membership on advisory committees exam committees
Peer and student evaluations of teaching IB-MCB classroom observation by trained individuals using agreed upon protocols (IB) signed comments and student course evaluations consideration of measures of student performance and learning outcomes Student evaluation results (grades) (IB) HHNS non-student evaluations student evaluations of instructors for each graduate or undergraduate course Effective teaching performance will normally be defined by an average score of 3.5 or greater
Teaching Scholarly Activity IB-MCB attending workshops applying for teaching development funds Publications teaching philosophy methodology teaching materials oral presentations to professional educators or to other user groups HHNS The traditional departmental component referred to as research is now referred to…as scholarship The research/scholarship component may involve traditional discovery-based activities, or may involve other forms of scholarship
Your Teaching Dossier IB-MCB Minimally, this dossier must comprise a statement of teaching approach and philosophy including course content and examinations HHNS statement of teaching philosophy (minimum requirement) Plans for future course development Other materials are allowed course outlines and sample exams
Other considerations -- Research IB-MCB refereed publications reviews editorship or authorship of books or chapters in books other publications (e.g., technical reports) provides an appropriate intellectual challenge and constitute a significant contribution to science presentations (particularly invited ones) at scholarly conferences and symposia development of new technology, value- added products, and patents, a historical record of successful applications for grants/contracts. HHNS research/scholarship activities should be clearly distinct from student contact activities that are being assessed in the teaching category Scholarship Portfolio non-discovery type activities in research/scholarship curriculum and course development, or design and implementation of programs that extend beyond the University
Career Paths weighted toward Teaching IB would likely involve additional teaching over 2 semesters per year. expected that the faculty member will have demonstrated significant scholarly activity related to teaching publications on teaching philosophy and methodology, teaching materials (e.g., books, lab manuals, films, slide sets, computer programs, web sites) oral presentations to professional educators or to other user groups. An Unsatisfactory Rating: In the standard career path this will mean poor work in teaching and/or negligible research* outcomes *"Research" includes the scholarly activities associated with an alternative career path that is oriented toward education. HHNS demonstrate substance in undergraduate teaching and creativity in pedagogy. MCB scholarship in teaching is expected. contributions to the pedagogical literature and/or the publication of textbooks. clear evidence of leadership external recognition of the faculty member's pedagogical contributions.
How is your teaching recognized and rewarded?