Preparation for Oral tests Let’s Present an Hotel ! Preparation for Oral tests
Open your Student’s Book on page 10. look at the example of an Hotel.
Hotel O’higgins Facilities and Services: In-room safe In-room Wifi Electronic Checkout Room Service International Meals
Hotel O’higgins Hotel O’higgins is located in the center of Viña del Mar, being one of the oldest hotels in the region. This hotel is near the center of the city where there are a lot of activities for customers. Hotel O’higgins of Viña del Mar offers many services, great value and comfort. Some of the services that you can find are delicious international breakfasts, tours around the city on Victorias, concerts and talks about the artists who stayed at the Hotel during the Festival de Viña del Mar.
Now it’s your turn! 1.- Choose an Hotel of Chile. Write your own description of the hotel same as you saw before. The description must contain: Location of the hotel (Where is your hotel?) Importance of the hotel (Why did you choose that hotel?) Services of the hotel (What services does the hotel offer?) Extra information (Is there any thing you want to add?)
Here’s a guide for you My hotel is ____________. This hotel is located in ____________. This hotel is considered as important because _______________. Some of the services that you can find in this hotel are ______________________, ___________________, __________________ and _____________. I chose this hotel because ________________________.