Recognition – look back at accomplishments Look Ahead – next 12 weeks Feature Topic – Understanding Accounting Charge Information for Non-PO Invoices Next PeopleSoft Community Call Open Forum Call Agenda Recognition – key system and business process accomplishments from the past 2 weeks Look Ahead – a communication of what’s to come in the next 12 weeks Feature Topic – a guest Financial or SCM project team analyst/manager will demo or speak about a specific functionality that may have an impact on your area: o The first call will feature tips and tricks on how to query Accounts Payable data to help with spend analysis Next Call – tease out what’s coming for the next Feature Topic Open Forum – we will open the line for Q&A the last 15 minutes of the 1 hour call
Finance Functionality Target Second Level Notifications – Invoices Additional e-mail notification to user for all invoices outstanding > 5 days old Automation of AthenaNet Patient Refunds With improved workflow in AthenaNet, patient refunds will now be automatically routed to Peoplesoft. The corresponding payment transaction will also be routed automatically back to AthenaNet. Vendor Invoice Coding Automation & Mass Invoice Approval Automate department and account coding of vendor invoices to reduce processing costs. Introduce mass voucher approval tool to users with high volume invoices. (Ongoing) Procurement Cards (PCARDS/Corporate Cards) The procurement card feature supports credit card purchases made by card holding employees enabling us to streamline the traditional procure to pay process for small purchases resulting in reduced transaction costs. 4th QTR FY17 Travel & Expense (Information Systems Pilot) Electronic automation of travel authorizations and non-travel expense reimbursements. This is currently a very manual process via paper forms and sometimes inter-office mail. Mobile Device Approvals* Approve invoices, supply requisitions and travel and expense from your mobile device. *this is dependent on our IT infrastructure being able to securely handle mobile transactions. Planning
Supply Chain Functionality Target Second Level Notifications – Supply Requisitions Additional e-mail notification to user for all supply requisitions outstanding > 5 days old Orthotics Supply Items – Pilot Belcher Location Provide OSMC with the ability to order ~500+ items on a recurring basis via PeopleSoft PARs. OSMC is currently using a proprietary system that performs auto-replenishment and cuts POs automatically, however, all items are expensed. Moving these items to PeopleSoft PARs will streamline the process. 4th QTR FY17 Match Exception Performance Improvement Process that automatically compares invoices with purchase orders and receiving documents so we can ensure that we pay for only the goods and services that we ordered and received. (Ongoing) Physical Inventory Counts Using iPad mini’s to perform the remaining physical inventory count in CSP main Mobile Device Approvals* Approve invoices, supply requisitions and travel and expense from your mobile device. *this is dependent on our IT infrastructure being able to securely handle mobile transactions. Planning