A good practice in inclusive education
Presentation of the VET centre Socio-economic context Typology of students Some actions implemented in Otxarkoaga for an inclusive education Results
1. Presentation of the VET centre Otxarkoaga is an education centre member of HETEL. It provides education in different levels: obligatory secondary education (12-18 years), Vocational Education in different levels (EQF 1-3) (16-20 years) and training for unemployed and employed people. It has been recognized by the Ministry of Education of Spain with the National ward for Inclusive Education (2006). It hold different recognitions for its advanced management system (EQFM Golden Q, UNE-EN-ISO 9001, UNE-EN-ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001…)
2. Socio-economic context The centre provides education to people from 12 years old to any working age. Most of the students have difficulties for learning, due to diverse reasons (socio-cultural origin, immigration, gypsies, special education needs…) The characteristics of the students make necessary to have a specific attention and a diversity of approaches for a development of their competences but with the focus on guarenteeing the inclusion of every student. The approach is that students with learning difficulties will be able to interact with students able to learn without a curricular gap.
98,51% of students face a “non nomalized” socio-economic context 3. Typology of students 98,51% of students face a “non nomalized” socio-economic context
4. Some actions implemented in Otxarkoaga for an inclusive education Objectives Methodological tools Bikaintasunerantz Project Improve teaching setting up the basis for innovation in learning methodologies. Improve students comprehension Development of basic competences working with multiple intelligences Emotional education Improve the student-teacher relation TREVA (Relaxation Techniques Applied to the Classroom). Work on the class atmosphere Specific education reinforcement Addressed to students who are lagging behind in courses under the ones corresponding to their age and have behavioural problems. Improve the attitude and personal and social behaviour of the students Improve their self-steem and their academic expectations. Development of their basic competences for a better social integration. Active learning: the student is the subject of the learning process and the teacher is a facilitator offering guidance. Cooperative learning. Presence of 2 teachers in the class. Coordination with the families and social organization to bear in mind the personal characteristics of each student, offering a personalised learning path.
4. Some actions implemented in Otxarkoaga for an inclusive education Objectives Methodological tools Programme addressed to underaged immigrants without a family in the country (mostly from the North of Africa) The students don´t know Spanish, most of them are illiterates in their own language, have different religion, different habits and a different personal approach to women, come from a situation of defencelessness in their country and have as a priority the access to the labour market. Provide them with patterns for a social and personal inclusion. Improve their Spanish competence to guarantee a personal autonomy. Improve the interpersonal relations. Give them healthy and adapted activities for their spare time. Provide them with tolerance, respect and open mindness values. Provide them with professional training The work is structured in 4 big areas: Communcation/development of their competence in Spanish, using peer learning and cooperative learning for a better integration. Training in tools to develop their autonomy, helping them to express their opinions, collect, organize and analyse information from daily life, problem solving and conflict resolution. Professional skils in 4 areas: carpentry, electricity, plumbing and food, to keep their motivation offering them alternatives to live on their own. Personal and social development, from the new culture they come to (teaching them our costumes, integrating them in traditional activities…) and from their own culture, giving to their own culture the space deserved and helping to create emotional links with the trainers and teachers. For both the centre develops different activities and events along the year.
4. Some actions implemented in Otxarkoaga for an inclusive education Other actions: Creation of a classroom for those with special education needs. Creation of a Section for Task Learning (SAT), addressed to students aged between 16-21 with special education needs linked to a disability. Individualization of the learning process, adapting it to the personal characteristics of each student. Programme of Cerebral Stimulation to improve physical competences and cognitive structures. Use of the theory of multiple intelligences. Creation of the Green Brigad, which aims the professional inclusion by learning gardening activities. Creation of the Cultural Reinforcement Group. Training of teachers in different learning methodologies, in relaxing techniques applied to the classroom and in the use of iPads as tools for learning addressed to students with intellectual disabilities.
Thank you very much for your attention! Tamara Rodríguez Responsible of International Projects international@hetel.org @trodriguezfer Skype: trodriguezfer www.otxarkoaga.org @CF_Otxarkoaga