Fig. 1. 53-year-old woman with primary renal extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma family of tumors. A. Coronal contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of abdomen reveals large, heterogeneous, enhancing right renal mass with prominent internal vascular structure. Central, non-enhancing portions represent central tumor necrosis (asterisk). B. Gross pathological image from radical left nephrectomy demonstrates large mass in lower pole of kidney. Cut-surface shows pinkish yellow mass with internal hemorrhage and cystic change. Fig. 1. 53-year-old woman with primary renal extraskeletal Ewing sarcoma family of tumors. A. Coronal contrast-enhanced computed tomography scan of abdomen reveals large, heterogeneous, enhancing right renal mass with prominent internal vascular structure. Central, non-enhancing portions represent central tumor necrosis (asterisk). B. Gross pathological image from radical . . . Korean J Radiol. 2015 Jul-Aug;16(4):783-790.