The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V by William Shakespeare
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V Reviewing the Play The Play So Far Macbeth has murdered King Duncan, pinned the crime on Duncan’s two guards, and killed the guards. Malcolm and Donalbain, Duncan’s sons, flee the country. Macbeth is crowned king, fulfilling the prophecy of the three witches.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V Reviewing the Play The Play So Far Macbeth arranges to have Banquo and his son, Fleance, murdered. Banquo is killed, but Fleance escapes. The three witches’ prophecy can still come true.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V Reviewing the Play The Play So Far While hosting a banquet, Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost and speaks to it in front of his guests.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V Reviewing the Play The Play So Far Macduff goes to England to talk to Malcolm about building an army to overthrow Macbeth. Macbeth visits the three witches and learns that he should fear Macduff no one “of woman born” will harm him he will be safe until Birnam Wood comes to his castle at Dunsinane Macbeth has Macduff’s wife and son killed.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V Reviewing the Play The Play So Far Macduff and Malcolm discuss Macbeth’s tyranny and the poor state of affairs in Scotland. They agree Malcolm will make a much better ruler. A large army gathers to help Macduff and Malcolm invade Scotland and take on Macbeth.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V Introducing Act V Early in Act V you’ll notice some famous lines: “Out, damned spot! Out, I say!” and “What, will these hands ne’er be clean?” Talking in her sleep, Lady Macbeth is referring to an imagined bloodstain on her hand. What will become of the guilt-ridden Lady Macbeth?
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V Introducing Act V The witches’ prophecies seem to indicate that Macbeth is safe. But his enemies approach—with vast armies and with vengeance in their hearts. Is there someone not “of woman born” who can harm Macbeth? How could it be possible for Birnam Wood to come to Dunsinane?
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Illuminating Evil? Are Macbeth and his wife pure evil, or is there a human, moral component to each of these characters? What is pure evil, anyway? How is it defined? What could drive an otherwise sensible, decent individual to commit acts of treachery? Are Macbeth and his wife pure evil, or is there a human, moral component to each of these characters? Possible responses: Yes, they are pure evil. They know what they are doing is wrong, but they do it anyway, and they hurt many people. OR No, they are not pure evil. They are both tormented by their consciences, so they must have some morality even though they are committing terrible acts. What is pure evil, anyway? How is it defined? Possible responses: Pure evil is the absence of a conscience. It is a force that has power only to harm. It is darkness. What could drive an otherwise sensible, decent individual to commit acts of treachery? Possible responses: Greed, ambition, hatred, rage, coming under the influence of powerful evil entities (such as the witches) or the force of evil in general. Shakespeare’s Macbeth makes no attempt to explain evil. Rather, it seems to point out that evil is indeed a mystery.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Shakespeare uses several techniques to explore the nature of evil: Both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are complex, tortured individuals who seem, at times, to be caught up in forces beyond their control. Character Development The play is filled with images of darkness, night, and blood. Imagery The use of blank verse enhances the emotional impact of the story. Poetry
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Character Development Until Macbeth hears the witches’ prophecies, he is a decent man and a loyal nobleman. He does not want to kill Duncan, but his wife pressures him into it. From that point on, he seems to be a victim of fear and of his own nerves.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Character Development Although Lady Macbeth is only an accomplice in the murders, her desire for power is critical in setting off a disastrous chain of events. In her behavior she exhibits immense self-control, but she eventually cracks under the pressure of her guilty conscience.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Imagery: Darkness The witches are called “instruments of darkness.” They are linked to the thick gloom that pervades the whole play and acts as a cover for evil.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Imagery: Night Shakespeare sets many of the violent scenes at night, amid “fog and filthy air,” and includes the cries of owls.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Imagery: Blood “Here’s the smell of the blood still.” “What bloody man is that?” The blood imagery is designed to make us feel not just physical disgust, but also moral revulsion.
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Poetry Shakespeare wrote most of the play in unrhymed iambic pentameter, or blank verse. In iambic meter each unstressed syllable is followed by a stressed syllable, as in the word prefer. ˘ ′ In iambic pentameter there are five of these iambic units in each line. The day almost itself professes yours, ˘ ′ —Act V, Scene 7, line 26 = stressed syllable; = unstressed syllable ˘ ′
The Tragedy of Macbeth, Act V The Mystery of Evil Poetry In a tragedy the poetic sound of blank verse elevates and enhances the emotional impact. Macbeth is able to express his feelings in eloquent, moving language. Life’s but a walking shadow, a poor player That struts and frets his hour upon the stage And then is heard no more. It is a tale Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, Signifying nothing. —Act V, Scene 5, lines 24–28 Click to hear these lines. Act V Audio
Act V Quick Review But the power of destiny is something awesome . . . —Sophocles (496–406 B.C.) 18
In the palace in Scotland, Lady Macbeth is seen sleepwalking, distressed and seriously disturbed by her memories.
The opposing army, led by Malcolm and Macduff, gathers nearby. Meanwhile, Macbeth tries to convince himself that he cannot be conquered, and talks about his wife’s illness. The opposing army, led by Malcolm and Macduff, gathers nearby.
Macbeth is told of Lady Macbeth’s death
He challenges Macduff, determined to fight to the death. As the battle continues, the clever plans of Malcolm’s army are revealed and Macbeth eventually realises that the witches’ last prophecies have been fulfilled. He challenges Macduff, determined to fight to the death.
Macduff kills him and brings his severed head to Malcolm, the new King of Scotland.