Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical on Friday! 09-17-12 Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical on Friday! Turn in Do Nows Stamp Chapter 2 Review Read & Discuss Chapter 3 Describe one use of minerals in your everyday life. Schedule Do Now Got Book? Finish Reading Chapter 3 Homework
I can explain how the 3 types of rocks are formed. 09-17-12 Learning Objective I can explain how the 3 types of rocks are formed.
Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical on Friday! 09-18-12 Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical on Friday! Rock Book Would you expect extrusive rocks produced by an explosive volcano to be light or dark in color? Why? Schedule Do Now None Homework
I can explain how the 3 types of rocks are formed. 09-18-12 Learning Objective I can explain how the 3 types of rocks are formed.
Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical on Friday! 09-19-12 Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical on Friday! Rock Book Would you expect to find foliated or nonfoliated metamorphic rocks next to a lava flow? Why? Schedule Do Now Finish Rock Book Homework
I can explain how the 3 types of rocks are formed. 09-19-12 Learning Objective I can explain how the 3 types of rocks are formed.
Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical Tomorrow! 09-20-12 Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical Tomorrow! Turn in Rock Book Chapter 3 Lab What conditions can cause an igneous or sedimentary rock to change into a metamorphic rock? Can a metamorphic rock change into another type of metamorphic rock under the same conditions? Schedule Do Now Lab Questions Homework
I can identify rocks based on their properties. 09-20-12 Learning Objective I can identify rocks based on their properties.
Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical Today! 09-21-12 Rocks & Minerals Lab Practical Today! Turn in Ch. 3 Lab Lab Practical Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast rocks and minerals. Schedule Do Now None Homework
To assess your ability to identify rocks and minerals. 09-21-12 Learning Objective To assess your ability to identify rocks and minerals.