Meet the Teachers This is the back of flap 4 in your flip book. I firmly believe constant parent communication is a must for a child’s education success. I will communicate your child’s progress with you throughout the year. We use Class Dojo as one of our classroom management components. Class Dojo is a tool that keeps track of student behavior. As a parent you are able to receive notifications and reports regarding your child’s behavior. I will send out a handout on how to sign-up and more information about Class Dojo. Class Dojo is a fun way to keep up with all of our learning! Further, you can always schedule an appointment during my conference period or either before/after school. My conference period is 8:15-9:00 am. I am looking forward to building a relationship with each child’s parents. Together we can ensure success in the classroom! Ms. Manzanares Hi! I am your child’s second grade teacher! This is my first year at Tom Lea. I am very excited to be a Bull! I taught third grade for seven years and then took a two year break. I am very excited to be back in the classroom! I graduated from UTEP. In my free time I enjoy reading and working on crafts. This is flap 1 in your flip book. Meet the Teachers
Useful Information This is the back of flap 3 in your flip book. Morning Pick-Up: Students will be picked up at 8:05-8:10 at their designated are in the rocks at the side of the playground between the portable. After 8:15 students are considered tardy and will need a tardy slip from the office in order to enter the classroom. Dismissal: Students will be dismissed from outside our portables in the rocks. Students who attend Daycare and YWCA afterschool will be escorted to the cafeteria. This is flap 2 in your flip book. Class Assignments: I would like to discuss class assignments. I usually send graded assignments home once a week. You will find them in their “home-work folder”. If your child received less than a 70% on any of their assignments, they may redo that assignment at home. The highest grade a student will receive on a redo is a 70%. There will be no redo opportunity on assessments, unless told otherwise. Useful Information
Homework and Agendas This is the back of flap 2 of your flip book. I This is flap 3 of your flip book. Homework: Students will be having homework the whole year. I like to have the same homework assignments every week. This way the parents and students always know what the homework will be like. Homework is due every Friday. Students will receive a new spelling list on Monday. *Write their spelling words in ABC order *Write a sentence for each spelling word *Write a story with at least 7 spelling words *Write each spelling word 5 times (Spelling test on Friday) *Student is expected to read daily for 20 minutes to improve fluency and comprehension. Homework and Agendas
Class Schedules Accelerated Reader Tom Lea participates in the AR program. Students are asked to read books on their level and take comprehension tests in order to earn points. Students are given monthly goals. Both school-wide and grade level rewards are given to students who reach their monthly goals. This is the back of flap 1 in your flip book. 3B 3D 8:15-9:45 Reading w/ Mrs. Greco Math w/ Mrs. Corral 9:45-10:30 Writing w/ Mrs. Greco Science w/ Mrs. Corral 10:30-11:15 P.E. (Conference Period) 11:15-11:55 Enrichment w/ Mrs. Corral Social Studies w/ Mrs. Greco 11:55-12:30 Lunch 12:30 – 2:00 2:00-2:45 Writing w/ Mrs. Corral 2:45-3:15 This is flap 4 of your flip book. Class Schedules
Classroom Expectations Welcome! Second grade is an exciting year for students because the curriculum is full of new concepts. The students will be working on problem solving, high level thinking skills, and many more other concepts they will use throughout their years in school. The success for your child’s education is very important to me. I will ensure learning and a fun environment, as well as a safe instructional setting!! This is the back of the front cover. This is going to be flap 5 in your flip book. We expect students to exhibit Tom Lea’s PBIS core values at all times. We expect students to be: Respectful Responsible Safe Positive What if the student chooses not to follow the PBIS matrixes? Warning Conference with teacher and loss of Dojo point Note to parent (agenda and/or Dojo message) PBIS Behavioral Report Parent/Teacher Conference Classroom Expectations