Reusing and repurposing Objects
Can you Reuse Buttons? Can you Repurpose buttons? Buttons can be reused; they can be sewn back on clothes if they fall off. Buttons can be repurposed into jewelry like the bracelets shown in the picture. Ask students other ways buttons can be repurposed. One way is to make bracelets.
Can you Repurpose rocks? CAN YOU MAKE ROCKS INTO USEFUL PRODUCTS? Rocks can be made into useful products. Rocks can be made into book ends, and candle holders for a home. Rocks are used in schools, homes, parks and neighborhoods. Rocks can be repurposed into jewelry, decorations and picture frames. Ask students other ways rocks can be repurposed or made into useful products. These rocks were made into book-ends.
Can you Reuse boots? How can you repurpose an old boot? Boots can be reused and worn again but then they get too old, or too small to wear. Boots can be repurposed into lots of different items. This boot has been made into a birdhouse. This boot is now a birdhouse.
How can you repurpose a tin can? A tin can, once opened and used, cannot be used again the same way. A tin can, can be repurposed into a container for holding pencils, nails, and other materials. It can also have more creative uses like the cooking utensil holder, the soup can lights for a kitchen, and the hanging planter for flowers. It can also be used to play the telephone game with two tin cans and a piece of string. A tin can could also be recycled.
How can you Repurpose a Tie? Once a tie has been reused and becomes too worn to wear again it can be repurposed into a craft project – create a snake tie.
A Tea cup can become… Tea cups can be reused over again. But they can also be repurposed. An old teacup can be used as a container for storing small objects such as paperclips and pencils. It can also be used as a planter for small plants, you can add wax and a wick and create a candle, or add a small votive candle to it. Tea cups are also great for bird feeders to place outdoors for small birds.
Can you think of objects you could Reuse or repurpose?