GUST 1270 College and Career Planning CHAPTER SEVEN RECORD: Cultivating Your Listening Skills and Developing a Note-Taking System that Works for You
UNIT 7 OBJECTIVES This chapter can help you: Understand listening and hearing Apply the Chinese definition of listening Overcome obstacles to listening Identify key terms during lecture Use the L-STAR note-taking system Choose a note-taking system Know what to do if you get lost during lecture
WHY LISTEN? Listening is necessary for: Establishing and improving relationships Personal growth Showing respect to others Professional rapport Showing empathy and compassion Learning new information Understanding others’ opinions and views Entertainment Health
LISTEN WHEN YOUR PROFESSOR… Writes something on the board Uses an overhead Uses computer-aided graphics Speaks in a loud tone or altered vocal pattern Uses gestures Draws on a flip chart
IF ENGLISH IS YOUR SECOND LANGUAGE… Ask your professor for clarification Listen for words you understand during lecture Enhance your vocabulary through radio and TV programs Write down any written information the professor provides Join a campus conversation club…or start one!
WHY TAKE NOTES? You become an active part of the listening process It creates a history of content You have written criteria It creates a visual of the information Studying becomes easier
PREPARING TO TAKE EFFECTIVE NOTES Attend class Come to class prepared Bring your text to class Ask questions and participate
Common Symbols w/= with = means equal w/o= without eg= for example <= less than %= percentage += plus or addition *= important esp= especially &= and >= greater than #= number - = minus etc= and so on vs= against “ = quote … = and so on
L… Listening S… Setting It Down T… Translating A… Analyzing THE L-STAR SYSTEM L… Listening S… Setting It Down T… Translating A… Analyzing R… Remembering
Outline Technique Topic: Listening The Process of Listening (ROAR) A. R=Receiving 1. W/in range of sound 2. Hearing the information B. O=Organizing & focusing 1. Choose to listen actively 2. Observe the origin, direction and intent C. A= Assignment 1. You assign a meaning 2. May have to hear it more than once D. R= Reacting 1. Our response to what we heard 2. Reaction can be anything Definition of Listening (POC) A. P=Listening w/ a purpose B. O=Listening w/ objectivity C. C=Listening constructively
Cornell System Section “B” Created by Dr. Walter Palk (Notes) Section “A” Questions Section “B” (Notes)
Mapping System
WHEN YOU GET LOST Ask the professor to repeat the information Ask the professor to slow down Leave a blank space in your notes with a question mark to get the information later Go to the professor’s office for clarification Form a note-taking group for sharing Don’t ask another student for clarification during the class Rehearse your note-taking skills Tape the lecture with the professor’s permission
LISTENING AND TAKING NOTES Sit near front of room Read text beforehand Familiarize yourself with the key terms in the chapter Listen purposefully, objectively, and constructively in class Date and head your notes Choose a note-taking style Copy any written information Organize, translate, and review your notes Store related handouts and notes
UNIT REFLECTION Evaluate content before judging the messenger Restrain emotions and preconceived notions while listening Sit where you can see and hear the professor Listen for “how” something is said Listen to the entire story Listen for key ideas and terms Keep a separate notebook for each course Use abbreviations when taking notes Write down any written information provided
JUST FOR FUN !! Character Illustration by Christian O’Brien