Material Behaviour. Produced by Neil Liggett. Properties & characteristics.
Material Behaviour. Material Properties include – Hardness – The ability to withstand abrasion & wear Toughness – The ability to withstand impact Ductility - Capable of being drawn out into wire Elasticity - property of a material which allows it to be restored to its original shape after distortion. Malleability - The ability of a material to be reshaped in all directions without cracking Strength (T & C) – Ability to resist deformation subject to loads Rigidity -Refers to inflexibility or resistance to change.
Material Behaviour. Manipulation of materials can offer a range of differing properties.
Material Behaviour. Mechanical properties are generally specific to product form such as sheet, plate, extrusion, casting, forging. It is common to see mechanical property listed by the directional grain structure of the material.
Material Behaviour. Materials can be compared in charts –
Material Behaviour. Steels Carbon has a major effect on steel properties. Carbon is the primary hardening element in steel. Hardness and tensile strength increases as carbon content increases up to about 0.85%. Ductility and weld ability decrease with increasing carbon.