Other objects in Solar System
Inner and Outer
Misc #2
Other Objects Moon Phases Planets Misc. Inner and Outer Misc #2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 Round One should contain one “Daily Double” question. To insert the “Daily Double Screen”, follow these steps: 1. Select the desired button on this slide by clicking on it. Click on SLIDE SHOW ACTION SETTINGS Make a note of which slide the HYPERLINK is currently set to. In the “Action Settings” dialogue box, change the HYPERLINK to “Daily Double Round 1”. Click OK 6. Now go to Slide “Daily Double Round 1” in this presentation, and follow the directions in the “Notes” section $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500
Ball of ice, rock and as it travels, leaves a long tail 1-100 1 - 100 Ball of ice, rock and as it travels, leaves a long tail $100
1-100A 1 - 100 Comet $100
Rocks that are found mostly between Jupiter and Mars 1-200 Rocks that are found mostly between Jupiter and Mars $200
1-200A 1 - 100 Asteroids $200
The Star closest to earth. 1-300 The Star closest to earth. $300
1-300A 1 - 100 Sun $300
An attractive force between 2 objects. 1-400 An attractive force between 2 objects. $400
1-400A 1 - 100 Gravity $400
The elongated circle or oval; the shape of a planet’s orbit. 1-500 The elongated circle or oval; the shape of a planet’s orbit. $500
1-500A 1 - 100 Ellipse $500
How long does the moon take to revolve around Earth? 2-100 1 - 100 How long does the moon take to revolve around Earth? $100
2-100A 1 - 100 About 1 month or 28 days $100
What phase is it when it lines up… sun - moon- earth? 2-200 What phase is it when it lines up… sun - moon- earth? $200
2-200A 1 - 100 New Moon $200
It takes 24 hours for what to rotate on its axis? 2-300 It takes 24 hours for what to rotate on its axis? $300
2-300A 1 - 100 Earth $300
When is the line up sun - earth- moon? 2-400 When is the line up sun - earth- moon? $400
2-400A 1 - 100 Full moon $400
When is there no moon in the sky? 2-500 When is there no moon in the sky? $500
2-500A 1 - 100 When it’s a new moon $500
This planet has rings that are easily seen from earth. 3-100 1 - 100 This planet has rings that are easily seen from earth. $100
3-100A 1 - 100 Saturn $100
Has a very thick atmosphere that results in extreme greenhouse effect. 3-200 Has a very thick atmosphere that results in extreme greenhouse effect. $200
3-200A 1 - 100 Venus $200
The only planet where water is found in great quantities 3-300 The only planet where water is found in great quantities $300
3-300A 1 - 100 Earth $300
The fifth and largest planet is... 3-400 The fifth and largest planet is... $400
3-400A 1 - 100 Jupiter $400
The axis of this planet is tilted over 90 degrees (sideways) 3-500 The axis of this planet is tilted over 90 degrees (sideways) $500
3-500A 1 - 100 Uranus $500
How long it takes for the earth to travel around the sun 4-100 1 - 100 How long it takes for the earth to travel around the sun $100
4-100A 1 - 100 365 days or 1 year. $100
Another name for Terrestrial Planets 4-200 Another name for Terrestrial Planets $200
4-200A 1 - 100 Rocky Planets $200
4-300 What is this phase? $300
4-300A 1 - 100 Waxing Crescent $300
Planet named for the God of the Sea 4-400 Planet named for the God of the Sea $400
4-400A 1 - 100 Neptune $400
Days on this planet are very, very hot and nights are very cold. 4-500 Days on this planet are very, very hot and nights are very cold. $500
4-500A 1 - 100 Mercury $500
What are Earth, Venus, Mercury and Mars? 5-100 1 - 100 What are Earth, Venus, Mercury and Mars? $100
5-100A 1 - 100 Inner planets $100
What are the outer planets? 5-200 What are the outer planets? $200
Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune 1 - 100 Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune $200
Outer planets are made up of mostly what? 5-300 Outer planets are made up of mostly what? $300
5-300A 1 - 100 Gasses $300
Rocks make up this group of planets. 5-400 Rocks make up this group of planets. $400
5-400A 1 - 100 Inner planets $400
5-500 What are the differences between the inner and outer planets and their moons? $500
Inner has few moons outer has many moons 1 - 100 Inner has few moons outer has many moons $500
Planet that rotates around the sun the fastest. 6-100 1 - 100 Planet that rotates around the sun the fastest. $100
6-100A 1 - 100 Mercury $100
The _____ rotates the earth, and the ________ rotates around the sun. 6-200 The _____ rotates the earth, and the ________ rotates around the sun. $200
6-200A Moon Earth 1 - 100 $200
What planet is now not a planet? 6-300 What planet is now not a planet? $300
6-300A 1 - 100 Pluto $300
The name of our planet earth means… 6-400 The name of our planet earth means… $400
6-400A 1 - 100 Dirt $400
The 2 planets that have no moons 6-500 The 2 planets that have no moons $500
6-500A 1 - 100 Mercury & Venus $500
Final Jeopardy Category
What are the planets in order from the sun?
Contestants: Please put down your writing tools and wait for further instructions.
Mercury, Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune
That's all for today. Good luck on your test!