FROM PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN TO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST TRANSITIONS OF CARE USE CASE REFERRAL REQUEST FROM PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN TO BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST PCP at Ambulatory Practice sending to Behavioral Health Organization Referral Document Summary of Care Document with Medication List PRIMARY CARE PHYSICIAN BEHAVIORAL HEALTH To improve specialty referrals to BH providers by sending the information needed by a BH provider to safely treat the referred patient. GOAL Icons provided by MeHI at
ADD TITLE / PURPOSE OF THE USE CASE TRANSITIONS OF CARE USE CASE ADD TITLE / PURPOSE OF THE USE CASE ORGANIZATION Ambulatory Practice A and Behavioral Health Organization B. The PCP provides care to a patient and determines they would benefit from being evaluated for behavioral health services. The PCP discusses this option with the patient and obtains the patient’s consent to send their information over the Mass HIway. The PCP sends the referral document and summary of care document via the Mass HIway by searching for the behavioral health organization in the Mass HIway Directory, which is accessible via the practice’s EHR, then sends documents to the organization’s Mass HIway Direct address. The organization receives the referral and summary of care documents from the PCP. A Social Worker is assigned to meet with the patient to complete an evaluation to determine what services the patient will qualify for. STORY To improve specialty referrals to BH providers by sending the information needed by a BH provider to safely treat the referred patient. GOAL Organization A - ambulatory practice; primary care physician (PCP), using a practiced based EHR with a Direct gateway to the Mass HIway; Organization B – behavioral health organization, using an EHR with a Direct gateway to the Mass HIway. TRADING PARTNERS AND SYSTEMS DATA TO EXCHANGE Referral Document (.pdf); CCD - Summary of Care document. Icons provided by MeHI at