calendar on the black table. Club Make sure you grab a calendar on the black table.
"I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Builders Club "I pledge on my honor to uphold the objects of Builders Club. To better my school, my community, my nation, and myself. To aid those in need while enhancing leadership capabilities, and to encourage the fellowship of all mankind."
Builders Club We are a club all about volunteering: We host fundraisers, items drives, go to service events, reading to little ones, help with community service events We meet on Tuesdays after school until about 4pm. $5.00 to join- one time payment for all your years at Central Builders Club. Have to be a member to go to the events.
Past Events Service events: Social Events Fundraising events: Beach Cleanup Stadium Cleanup Operation Gratitude- items drive for overseas military! Canned Food Drives Social Events Roller Skating Picnic Ice Cream social Movie Nights Fundraising events: Animal Shelter Women’s Shelter
Mrs.McMains Mrs. Hillsten and Ms. Roccaforte
http://www. nederland. k12. tx
Future events! Social- Movie night: October 18th after school You can bring pillows, blankets, and comfy clothes to change into for after school! Food will be provided! Pumpkin Unloading October 8th Nederland Apostolic Church 9am Speaker to tell you more!
We have committees Fundraising- Alyssa Patteson Service- Tisha Smith Historian- Kiley Roebuck Social- Marisela Jones New Member- Nominations accepted today Anyone who is 6th grade or higher may be nominated
How we vote: Parlimentary procedure I nominate ______________ The person will accept or respectfully decline. We will make a list Next week we will vote on this position.
UNICEF Read the back of your box Collect money throughout october Ask family members and friends. Don’t go door to door asking for money. Due back by October 28th to Mrs. Hillsten, McMains or Rocky.
Meeting adjourned!