Quick Write Which appeal do the following political cartoons use and why?
Arrangement styles The classical model Similar to the traditional five paragraph essay Read pages 14 – 16. Write down how it is similar and different from a five paragraph essay. Also, what makes this style powerful? Share with a partner. Share with the class.
Arrangement styles cont. Tells a story or a series of events Tends to be chronological, concrete in details, from first person POV, may include dialogue Still must support a thesis (more like an extended grabber) Appeals to the Pathos Emphasizes the senses by painting a picture (using sensory imagery) Often establishes the mood Appeals to Pathos/Ethos Narration Description
Assignment 1 Write a persuasive paragraph in either the narration or description format. Your task is to argue for or against tighter gun control laws in America. Discuss
Arrangement styles cont. Explaining a process of how something is done. Must be clear and logical. Appeals to logos. Provides examples, facts, etc. Appeals to logos. Examples are used to make a point. Process Analysis Exemplification
Assignment 2 Write two paragraphs, one in the process analysis format, and the other as exemplification. You may choose your topic for the process analysis and exemplification. Discuss.
Arrangement styles cont. Juxtaposing two ideas to highlight their similarities and differences. Subject by subject, or point by point. Presidential Debate: PBP Campaign Trail: SBS Create two different paragraphs on the same topic using compare/contrast. However, for the first, focus on SBS; on the second, focus on PBP. The topic is your choice. Compare/Contrast Assignment
And you thought you were done … There are three remaining styles: Classification and Division, Definition, and Cause and Effect. With a partner, go through the text and make notes of each style (no more than three or four points per type.) Then, write a paragraph in a style of your choice. I will have at least 1 volunteer per type, so be prepared. You may now stop writing and regain muscle control.
Classification and Division Answers the question of what goes together and why. Makes connections between things that might otherwise seem unrelated.
Definition Defining a specific term is often the first step. Some times it is only to clarify terms for an argument/debate.
Cause and effect Analyzes the causes that lead to a certain effect. Can also explain how effects were a direct result of a specific cause. Applies to logos. Often the answer to a “why” question. Usually, there is not just “one” cause or “one” result.