The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J IMPROVE YOUR STUDY SKILLS @ THE LEARNING CENTRE “ Mature Age Follow Up THE LEARNING CENTRE @ THE LIBRARY The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Re-learning to Study “It’s true that we start life with the gift of our genes, but it’s also true that we become capable through the learning and development of mental models that enable us to reason, solve, and create” (Brown, Roediger and McDaniel, 2014, 3). Remember this? Extract from “How to learn better at any age” adapted from Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning by Peter C. Brown, Henry L. Roediger III and Mark A. McDaniel (2014). The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Who’s here today? Mostly Bachelor level; 1 grad dip & 1 grad cert. The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Today’s program 10am Introduction Study Skills Reflective Practice via Self Diagnostic Brainstorming – why & how Mindmapping – organising ideas & self 11.00am Library – ask away ( Michele – Library technician) 11.15am Focusing – assignment process Question time – sharing tips for survival & success Refreshments 12pm Concludes The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Study Skills Reflective Practice via Self Diagnostic Feel OK about Feel good about Don’t think about Freaking out about H/O Study Skills Self Diagnostic The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Brainstorming – why & how The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Brainstorming – why & how You have a chance to see what you already know. You get to generate ideas. You have the opportunity to expand your mind. You get to explore new ideas. You can see things from a different perspective. You can achieve clarity & a deeper understanding. It’s easier to cluster your ideas when you have them written/illustrated in front of you. The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Brainstorming – the messier the better! Works best when it has no structure Is messy Is fast Is continuous Is brief Can be repeated at different times during your assignment. Not many texts explain Brainstorming – most focus on mind mapping and some even call mind mapping brainstorming! The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J How to Brainstorm 1. Define your topic Write it in the middle of a large (A3) page 2. Set a time limit (depends on individual or group brainstorm, but keep it short) 3. Do NOT be judgemental of yourself or other put down EVERY idea that comes to mind constantly focusing to and fro the TOPIC and what you have just written. Do 1 before reading Do another one after reading when you get stuck… but these ideas can be added to mind map more than to brainstorm. The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Have a go! celebration experience pasta taste exercise Italian 2 meals per day diet stress food job psychological carbs Sleep habits 3 meals per day access reward cost disorders nutrition Individual or group environment hereditary protein vegan Randomly placed on page. No ordering or organising. Look for space around the page and fill in gaps cultural rituals energy types morning Power struggle breakfast learnt behavioural Lunch & dinner Children/adult beliefs afternoon night snacks The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Why Mind map and Concept map? To generate new ideas and new ways of seeing the world. To organise a lot of data – gives you an overview on a topic. To see how difficult concepts develop. The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J How to Map? After brainstorming: Start again with a topic / idea in the centre of the page. Select main ideas from your brainstorm Start to place in a pattern that shows the main ideas radiating out from the main topic Group related ideas with the main ideas Think about and develop connecting lines and other words to describe the relationships among the words on the page. You do not have to use all the ideas from your brainstorming. The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Sample Mind Map Provisional Thesis Statement: Eating habits are influenced by… disorders ENVIRONMENT BEHAVIOURAL planning access Eating habits PSYCHOLOGICAL HEREDITARY GENETIC CULTURAL BEHAVIOURAL CULTURAL disorders Concept mapping is not just about the topic, but about what you want to state/prove about the topic. Start by mapping the stand outs. Always go to and fro Thesis Statement – keep word length in mind predisposition GENETIC The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Keep track as you go! celebration experience pasta taste exercise Italian 2 meals per day diet stress food job psychological carbs Sleep habits 3 meals per day access reward cost disorders nutrition Individual or group environment hereditary protein vegan Cross words/ideas out as you use them – but don’t discard any brainstorm, mind maps, notes until you receive the assignment back. Remember it’s a process. cultural rituals energy types morning Power struggle breakfast learnt behavioural Lunch & dinner Children/adult beliefs afternoon night snacks The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Concept map exemplar From Mind mapping Software Blog The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J Mind map your Week H/O Time Planning. Scribble your day’s agenda – can make it all less daunting and Mind mapping week can make it fun! Source How to Focus in the Age of Distraction The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Fishbone works well for Cause – Effect Problem solving Scribble your day’s agenda – can make it all less daunting and mind mapping week can make it fun! Source Fishbone diagrams to solve Manufacturing Problems The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Fishbone works well for “Time Management” Self Reflection too! Remember to Brainstorm before mind mapping Source SquawkPoint Service Improvement: Fish bone diagrams – Helpful or not The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Assignment Writing Process – keeping focused Source The Learning Centre Online Programs Curtin University: Essays Writing from Sources The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Essay Writing Structure Start at the thesis statement Source The Learning Centre Online Programs Curtin University: Essays Writing from Sources The Learning Centre Library Curtin University 00301J
Have you found your PEACEFUL PLACE? Eye porpoising – Sandy MacGregor Students Steps to Success p.22