Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study TPO Board February 10, 2011
Overview PD&E Study has been underway since 2008. The Study is evaluating two corridors (east & west) between (SR 60 and SR 570) and (SR 60 and I-4). FDOT has held numerous stakeholder and public meetings and coordinated with the TPO throughout the Study. FDOT has held public hearings seeking public comment on the preferred build alternatives for the east and west corridors. FDOT is seeking a determination from the Polk TPO that the preferred alternatives are consistent with the Adopted 2035 MVP. All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
Overview In early December the TPO staff forwarded a set of comments to FDOT for their consideration in the development of the preferred alternatives. Staff is requesting that the TPO advisory committees include the staff comments as part of it’s recommendation to the FDOT. All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
2035 Mobility Vision Plan The CPP (east & west) is included in the Needs Plan and is partially funded in the Cost-Feasible portion of the Adopted 2035 MVP as a 6-lane facility. 2035 MVP identifies the need for additional east- west capacity in the SR 60 corridor between Bartow and Lake Wales. These improvements are identified as unfunded needs in the MVP. Preferred alternatives provide 6-lanes of east-west capacity between US 17 and US 27 with three direct points of access to SR 60. 2035 MVP many needs in NE Polk County along US 27 between SR 60 and Interstate 4. All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
2035 Mobility Vision Plan Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
2035 Mobility Vision Plan TPO recommendation 12/13/07 - The CPP should provide network alternatives that serve freight traffic from the Planned CSX Integrated Logistics Center (ILC). Both east and west alternatives provide direct access to the CSX ILC via the Pollard Road Extension. The CPP will help to minimize traffic on other state arterials and county collector roads. All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
2035 Mobility Vision Plan 2035 MVP Policy 8.3.3 In evaluating the consistency of a proposed road improvement alternative with the 2035 MVP, the TPO shall consider the project definition, such as the termini and number of lanes, as well as, the GOPs within the 2035 MVP. The Central Polk Parkway: PD&E preferred alternatives will more efficiently move people and goods throughout Polk County and Central Florida; The preferred alternatives attempt to minimize adverse impacts to communities & natural resources in the region; and the preferred alternatives considered other modes of transportation and include multi-modal typical section). All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
Staff Comments Western Corridor Preference for a Corridor Alignment south of Bartow Municipal Airport. Improved access to the Bartow Northern Connector, US 17 & Clear Springs Mine. CSX Rail Terminal Truck Traffic Land and Transit Access – Pollard Road/SR 60 All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
Staff Comments Eastern Corridor SR 17 Ridge Scenic Highway Interchange Access to US 27 Preference for Corridor Segment E204 Future Interchange at Ernie Caldwell Blvd Coordination with Polk County and the North Ridge CRA All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study
Committee Recommendation The Citizens and Technical Advisory Committees have recommended that the Board endorse the preferred improvement alternatives (east and west) for the Central Polk Parkway as consistent with the TPO’s Adopted 2035 Mobility Vision Plan. This endorsement should include the staff comments provided in Attachment 2. All modes, but primarily TPO’s priority projects by category – focus on new 5th year plus important changes Central Polk Parkway PD&E Study