weAdventure Outdoor adventures powered by locals Kristofer Söderström Hello everyone! My name is Kristofer. Together with my partner Jeremy, which is currently in Nepal, we’re part of weAdventure, the online marketplace for adventure and eco travel.
1,235,000,000 Did you know that, just in 2016 more than one billion people travelled around the world? This number has increased over time, adding 46 million travellers from 2015 (or around 4%) Unfortunately, tourism at this level contributes to environmental degradation, depletion of natural resources, pollution, physical impact to flora and fauna, and climate change. And as we know, tourism will only increase over time… However, it’s not all bad news
Nature and ecotoursim accounts for 20% of all travel MARKET Nature and ecotoursim accounts for 20% of all travel CHANGE We’ve seen a change in consumer behaviour towards environmental consciousness… and travel is not an exception. Nature and ecotourism accounts for 20% of all travel And it has been increasing since the last decade Eco and nature travellers have a passion for nature, are interested in authentic experiences at non-traditional, long-haul destinations. They want the money they spend to directly benefit the local environment and communities. (CBI, 2016)
The potential of tourism for sustainable development is considerable… tourism help[s] to alleviate poverty and drive inclusive development." United Nations Secretary-General, Banki-moon World Tourism Day Message, 2015 Even this year (2017) has been designated as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.
COMPETITORS Ridewithlocal.com Zozi.com GetYourGuide TripAdvisor Current travel and adventure websites do not focus on environment. Ridewithlocal is the closest competitor we have in terms of the business model. However, they do not have a focus on sustainable tourism with a social purpose and are solely profit oriented. As of this moment they have not entered the Swedish market. Other alternatives in our industry, namely Zozi.com, GetYourGuide and TripAdvisor, do not have the same outlook as weAdventure, since they do not focus outdoor activities at the local level
OUR SOLUTION Our solution is an online marketplace that connects nature and eco travellers with passionate, local adventure providers that have a strong focus on nature and ecotourism. Solving the problem requires giving people the option to easily find and book ecotourism activities and find a community of likeminded people
WHAT WE OFFER NATURE AND ECO TRAVELLERS One place to search, get inspired and travel. ADVENTURE COMPANIES Focus on doing what you love, leave the rest to us. COMMUNITY a virtual marketplace which facilitates the commercial exchange between small local businesses and outdoor enthusiasts. Travellers will have one place to find the best local, ethical and environmentally sustainable outdoor adventure experiences. An easy way to search, get inspired and purchase. For adventure companies: we provide the website, online marketing, booking system and payment system to make life easier, providing much needed exposure for smaller companies. We build a community of trust, where travellers and companies can interact easily
THE ROAD SO FAR Landing page and social media Business model, MVP and launch region First contact We started to generate interest with a landing page and social media, with around 500+ people showing interest. We have defined our initial business model and have built our MVP, ready for operation We have recently started contacting our first adventure companies to seed the supply side of the platform
MVP & BUSINESS MODEL beta.weadventure.org Our MVP is up and running at our beta subdomain. Our business model is to charge a 10% transaction fee (+ 2-3% PayPal payment processing fee) for each tour that gets booked in our platform. Signing up is free and easy. There is no commitment, and no upfront payments from the adventure company.
WHAT’S NEXT Continued contact & feedback Build demand Launch! Contact adventure companies that share our values in Sweden Refine our product with their feedback Build a community of travellers with social media and online marketing Launch the marketplace!
VISIT US AT WEADVENTURE.ORG ...AND SUBSCRIBE TO THE MAILING LIST! If you want to follow our journey and subscribe to the Beta, visit weadventure.org and sign up to the mailing list!
LET’S REVIEW Tourism presents challgenge and an opportunity weAdventure – Outdoor adventures powered by locals Stay in touch, sign up! Tourism presents a big challenge to the environment, but can also help preserve it and help economic development. weAdventure can help connect nature and eco travellers with passionate, local adventure providers that have a strong focus on nature and ecotourism. We currently have our MVP and are contacting companies to get on board. Stay in touch, Sign up!
Any questions? kristofer@weadventure.org THANK YOU! Any questions? kristofer@weadventure.org