CS262: Computer Vision Lect 09: SIFT Descriptors John Magee 13 February 2017 Slides Courtesy of Diane H. Theriault
Questions of the Day: How can we find matching points in images? How can we use matching points to recognize objects?
SIFT Find repeatable, scale-invariant points in images Compute something about them Use the thing you computed to perform matching A lot of engineering decisions “Distinctive Image Features from Scale-Invariant Keypoints” by David Lowe Patented!
How to find the same cat? Imagine that we had a library of cats How could we find another picture of the same cat in the library? Look for the markings?
Scale Space Image convolved with Gaussians of different widths
Keypoints with Image Filtering Perform image filtering by convolving an image with a “filter”/”mask” / “kernel” to obtain a “result” / “response” The value of the result will be positive in regions of the image that “look like” the filter What would a “dot” filter look like? Filter
Laplacian of a Gaussian Sum of spatial second derivatives
Difference of Gaussians Approximation of the Laplacian of a Gaussian
Scale-space Extrema “Extremum” = local minimum or maximum Check 8 neighbors at a particular scale Check neighbors at scales above and below
Scale-space Extrema Find locations and scales where the response to the LoG filter is a local extremum
Removing Low Contrast Points Threshold on the magnitude of the response to the LoG filter Threshold empirically determined
Removing Points Along Edges In 1D: first derivative shows how the function is changing (velocity) In 1D: second derivative how the change is changing (acceleration) In 2D: first derivative leads to a gradient vector, which has a magnitude and direction In 2D: second derivatives lead to a matrix, which gives information about the rate and orientation of the change in the gradient
Removing Points Along Edges Hessian is a matrix of 2nd derivatives Eigenvectors tell you the orientation of the curvature Eigenvalues tell you the magnitude Ratio of eigenvalues tells you extent to which one orientation is dominant Gradient of a Gaussian Hessian of a Gaussian
Attributes of a Keypoint Position (x,y) location in the image Scale scale where this point is a LoG extremum Orientation?
Gradient Orientation Histogram Make a histogram over gradient orientation Weighted by gradient magnitude Weighted by distance to key point Contribution to bins with linear interpolation
Gradient Orientation Histogram
Gradient Orientation Histogram Plain Histogram of Gradient Orientation
Gradient Orientation Histogram Weighted by gradient magnitude (Could also weight by distance to center of window)
Gradient Orientation Histogram Interpolated to avoid edge effects of bin quantization
Assigning Orientation to Keypoint Support: from image at assigned scale, all points in a window surrounding keypoint 36 bins over 360 degrees Contributions weighted by distance to center of key point, weighted by a Gaussian with sigma 1.5 x assigned scale Dominant orientation
Computing SIFT Descriptor Divide 16 x 16 region surrounding keypoint into 4 x 4 windows For each window, compute a histogram with 8 bins 128 total elements Interpolation to improve stability (over orientation and over distance to boundary of window)
Computing SIFT Descriptor Divide 16 x 16 region surrounding keypoint into 4 x 4 windows For each window, compute a histogram with 8 bins 128 total elements Interpolation to improve stability (over orientation and over distance to boundary of window)
Normalizing the descriptor To get (some) invariance to brightness and contrast Clamp weight due to gradient magnitude (In case some edges are very strong due to weird lighting) Normalize entire vector to unit length (So the absolute value of the gradient magnitude isn’t as important as the distribution of the gradient magnitude)
Using the keypoints Assemble a database: Pick some “training” images of different objects Find keypoints and compute descriptors Store the descriptors and associated source image, position, scale, and orientation
Using the keypoints New Image Find keypoints and compute descriptors Search database for matching descriptors (Throw out descriptors that are not distinctive) Look for clusters of matching descriptors (e.g. In your new image, you found 10 keypoints and associated descriptors, and in the database, there is an image where 6 of the descriptors match, but only 1 or 2 on other database images)
Using the keypoints http://chrisjmccormick.wordpress.com/2013/01/24/opencv-sift-tutorial/
Voting for Pose Matching keypoints from database image and new image will imply some relationship in pose (position, scale, and orientation) Example: This keypoint was found 20 pixels down and 50 pixels to the right of the matching descriptor from the database image Example: This keypoint was computed at 2x the scale of the matching descriptor from the database image Look for clusters of matches with similar offsets (“Generalized Hough Transform”)
Discussion Questions What types of invariance do we want to have when we think about doing object recognition? What does it mean to be invariant to different image attributes? (brightness, contrast, position, scale, orientation) What does it mean for an image feature to be stable? Why might it make sense to use a weighted histogram? What kinds of weights? What is a problem with the quantization associated with creating a histogram and what can we do about it?