FRB Backend First Light XAO, PU Pei Xin, Li Kejia, Nie Jun, Nuer 2015.1.8
FRB(Fast Radio Burst) A fast radio burst (FRB) is a transient celestial radio pulse lasting only a few milliseconds, and thought to be of extra-galactic origin, though this notion is contested. D. R. Lorimer and others analyzed archival survey data and found a 30-jansky dispersed burst that occurred in 2007, less than 5 milliseconds in duration. In 2010 there was a new report of 16 similar pulses from the Parkes radio telescope which were clearly of terrestrial origin, but in 2013 four pulse sources were identified that supported the likelihood of a genuine extragalactic pulsing population. An observation in 2012 of an FRB in the direction of Auriga(御夫座) in the northern hemisphere using the Arecibo radio telescope has confirmed the extragalactic origin of fast radio pulses by an effect known as plasma dispersion. Victoria Kaspi of the McGill University also confirms the initial estimate of 10,000 FRB's per day over the entire sky.
FRB Searching Project Kejia Li, Peking University XAO cooperation with Peking University = Pulsar Backend + Real-time Searching XAO PU
Pulsar Backend Design 斯托克斯参数输出格式
Data Format
System Test Plan 1.Pulsar sources select 2.Observation prepare source_name, period, flux, DM, Dec&RA 2.Observation prepare hardware: S/X band receiver, 1pps, 10M, 10GbE Link software: antenna control, data record 3.Backend integration time, bandwidth, fft point, number of channels, gain, transmission rate, data_output 4.Post processing data format transform pulsar processing: sigproc
Pulsar sources select Source name Period DM S1400 (mJy) RA DEC W10 B0329+54 0.714519699726 26.833 203 03:32:59.368 +54:34:43.57 31.4 J0630-2834 1.24441859615 34.468 23 06:30:49.404 -28:34:42.77881 119.7 J1136+1551 B1133+16 1.187913065936 4.864 32 11:36:03.247 +15:51:04.48 41.8 J2048-1616 1.961572303613 11.456 13 20:48:35.640 -16:16:44.55350 99.3 J2113+4644 B2111+46 1.014684793189 141.26 19 21:13:24.307 +46:44:08.70 152.8 J2157+4017 B2154+40 1.525265633965 70.857 17 21:57:01.849 +40:17:45.986 114.2 J2321+6024 2.256488426824 94.591 12 23:21:55.213 +60:24:30.71 153.7
Hardware Prepare B A 10M 1PPS
10GbE Link
Software Prepare Single radio sources tracking mode Filterbank data transform SIGPROC processing
ROACH Backend Configuration Corr package, for interacting with BEE2s and ROACHes gain, fft_shift, acc_len, period, payload_len…
S-IF1 Filter 8bit 13dB Dynamic Range S-IF2 Strong RFI No Filter
Saturation, Decrease RFI
Observation Jan. 1 2015 – Jan. 6 2015 Pei Xin, Yan Hao Nanshan 25m, S-band Receiver
Data Processing & Result Bandpass 2149.296875MHz BW:158.59375MHz 2307.890625MHz
Profile J0332+5434 1.024ms integration 5min observation 32bit, 1IFs
Profile J0332+5434 1.024ms integration 5min observation 32bit, 1IFs
J0332+5434 0.512ms integration 2.5min observation 32bit, 1IFs
J0332+5434 1.024ms integration 5min observation 8bit, 4IFs
J2113+4644 S1400: 19mJy 0.512ms integration 2.5min observation
J2157+4017 S1400: 17mJy 1.024ms integration 10min observation
100S Fold 300S Fold 600S Fold 1200S Fold Signal FRI
1.024ms integration 20min observation Dropped Ratio: 43/1200045=0.0035%
Conclusion Result should be correct Time resolution: 1/200M=0.005us Min. Integration Time: 2.56us Need L-band tests Need more hardware support New 10GbE module solve package loss problem Could expand to pulsar timing, polarization mode Software optimization plan
Thank you !