IV. THE DISCIPLES’ PREPARATION BY THE SON OF GOD (13:1 – 16:33) A. THE DISCOURSE IN THE UPPER ROOM (Jn 13:1 – 14:31) 5. The Promise of Residence (14:1-3) 6. The Way to the Father (14:4-6) 7. The Oneness with the Father (14:7-11) 8. The Performance of Greater Works (14:12-15)
9. The Sending of the Holy Spirit (14:16-17) 10. The Pledge of Love (14:18-26) a. Through the Promise of His Indwelling (vv. 18-20) b. Through the Obedience to His Commandments (vv. 21-25) 1) The principle (v. 21) 2) The rationale (vv. 22-25)
1) The principle (v. 21) Read Jn 14:21a. Jesus here repeats the truth of Jn 14:15. ~ The evidence for love for Jesus is in having and obeying His commands. ~ To “have”: “to grasp with the mind”. ~ “Keeps”: “to keep an eye on, watch and hence to guard, keep, obey” ~ It, therefore, speaks of obeying as being consistent, a pattern of life.
~ To “have” His commands means to. be properly instructed in them; to ~ To “have” His commands means to be properly instructed in them; to “keep” His commands is to mold ourselves and our lives by their rule. ~ Love means more than words; it requires commitment and action. If we love Christ, then we must prove it by obeying what He says in His Word.
~ John Calvin: “There is nothing we ~ John Calvin: “There is nothing we are more prone to than to slide into a sinful attitude and to love something other than Christ under the name of Christ.” What is the connection between the Holy Spirit and keeping His commandments? ~ Apart from the Holy Spirit, no keeping of Christ’s commandments is possible.
Read Jn 14:21b. Note here the predominance of the future tense. ~ What about 1Jn 4:19? ~ The initiative in the relationship between Christ and His followers finally lies with Him (cf. Jn 6:70; 15:16) or with His Father (cf. Jn 6:37, 44; 10:29). ~ But on the other hand, isn’t it possible for God’s love to both precede and follow ours?
~ First, by loving us first, His love ~ First, by loving us first, His love creates in us the eager desire to keep Christ’s commandments; then, by loving us after, His love rewards us for keeping them! “… and will disclose Myself to him.” ~ To all those who love and obey Him, He reveals Himself as an invisible, spiritual presence.
An Application ~ In personal experience, most Christians admit to wishing God would reveal Himself, His will more openly. ~ Jesus listed obedience before revelation. ~ “Obey what you know and you will know more.”
~ When we feel confused or lack. answers, we should ask how we can ~ When we feel confused or lack answers, we should ask how we can follow through on directions He has previously given.