Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process Step 2 Pre-Evaluation Planning Self Assessment- Required Document Performance Goals (PG) The NC P/AP Goal Form is an optional form, however highly recommended. Step 3 Initial Meeting Meeting to discuss 1. Self Assessment 2. Goal Development 3. Evidence and Data/ Artifacts Principal/AP and Superintendent/ designee agree on components of meeting and confirm level of performance. Step 4 Data Collection The Principal/Assistant Principal Evaluation Process Documentation is an optional form used to document site visits and Conf. dates Principal collects data agreed upon as evidence to support goals Superintendent/designee visit Step 5 Mid-Year Conference The Mid-Year Evaluation: Progress Toward Achieving Goals form is an optional form used , by the evaluator, to document progress. Meeting to discuss progress of goal attainment. School-wide student growth data should be available for review. The 7 Steps to the Principal Evaluation Process. Step 6 Prepare a Consolidated Performance Assessment Obtained under Steps 4 and 5 The Goal Setting Worksheet is an optional form to identify professional growth goals based on data gathered from artifacts and other sources. Brief summary of Steps 4 and 5 Should be provided to the superintendent/ designee well in advance of Step 7 Step 7 Summary Evaluation Conference Meeting at the school site to discuss: 1. Self Assessment –Required Document Consolidated Performance Assessment (agree upon progress towards performance goals for the year) Summary Evaluation Form -Required Document
Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process At the Beginning of the School Year Step 1: Orientation At the beginning of the school year, the superintendent/designee will conduct a group orientation with all of the principals. At this orientation, each principal will be provided a complete set of materials outlining the evaluation process. Please login to NCEES and sign off on Orientation today.
Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process Step 2 Pre-Evaluation Planning Self Assessment- Required Document Performance Goals The NC P/AP Goal Form is an optional form, however highly recommended. Should be completed before Step 3 Step 2: Pre-Evaluation Planning/Preparation for Initial Meeting Principals will complete a self-assessment using the Rubric for Evaluating North Carolina Principals. This self-assessment will serve as the basis for goal development, which should be completed prior to Step 3. Please complete between Oct 1-15 and no later than 3 days prior to our meeting. Deborah Dupree will be contacting you to set up an appointment between Oct 15-31 and for the EOY meeting between May 11-28. This initial meeting in October will take place at your school and we will: Review self assessment Review performance goals to agree and sign in NCEES – include the required Human Resources of Standard 4; an instructional goal of Standard 2 and any others deemed necessary based on self-assessment Review timeline for remaining visits
Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process Step 2 Pre-Evaluation Planning Self Assessment- Required Document Performance Goals (PG) The NC P/AP Goal Form is an optional form, however highly recommended. Step 3 Initial Meeting Meeting to discuss 1. Self Assessment 2. Goal Development 3. Evidence and Data/ Artifacts Principal/AP and Superintendent/designee agree on components of meeting and confirm level of performance. 1 to 1 Meeting to Discuss Evaluation October 15-31 Step 3: Initial Meeting Between Principal and Superintendent Principals will meet individually with the superintendent who has been delegated the responsibility to discuss the results of the self-evaluation, goal development, and the evidence and data to be gathered for the evaluation process. The principal and superintendent will agree on the data, evidence, and artifacts necessary to complete the evaluation process and confirm the principal’s level of performance.
Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process Step 2 Pre-Evaluation Planning Self Assessment- Required Document Performance Goals (PG) The NC P/AP Goal Form is an optional form, however highly recommended. Step 3 Initial Meeting Meeting to discuss 1. Self Assessment 2. Goal Development 3. Evidence and Data/ Artifacts Principal/AP and Superintendent/ designee agree on components of meeting and confirm level of performance. Step 4 Data Collection The Principal/Assistant Principal Evaluation Process Documentation is an optional form used to document site visits and Conf. dates Principal collects data agreed upon as evidence to support goals Superintendent/designee visit Step 4: Data Collection The principal will collect the data agreed upon in Step 3. Data may include the artifacts listed for each standard on the rubric, feedback from parents, students, and the school community; documentation of professional development completed during the year; and other data to document achievement of performance goals including feedback from site visits. The superintendent will visit the school during this period in order to observe the environment and interact with teachers and other members of the school community. Data will be collected during the year and at site visits via the Google form. Artifacts listed for each standard on the rubric Feedback from parents, students, and community Documentation of PD completed during the year Site visit discussion topics
Site Visit Discussion Topics Google Form /Link will be sent for responses to: Describe what you have done to enhance/support curriculum & instruction. Describe any concerns you may have about implementing your School Improvement Plan (SIP). State how Central Services can assist you. Describe how you are addressing issues with at-risk students, disciplinary problems, dropout prevention and increasing the graduation rate. Share any teacher performance issues which concern you. The Site Visits Discussion Topic Form should be completed by the Principal 3 days prior to Site Visit. Site Visits will occur twice. Once in November/December and a second time in March/April.
Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process Step 2 Pre-Evaluation Planning Self Assessment- Required Document Performance Goals (PPG) The NC P/AP Goal Form is an optional form, however highly recommended. Step 3 Initial Meeting Meeting to discuss 1. Self Assessment 2. Goal Development 3. Evidence and Data/ Artifacts Principal/AP and Superintendent/ designee agree on components of meeting and confirm level of performance. Step 4 Data Collection The Principal/Assistant Principal Evaluation Process Documentation is an optional form used to document site visits and Conf. dates Principal collects data agreed upon as evidence to support goals Superintendent/designee visit Step 5 Mid-Year Conference The Mid-Year Evaluation: Progress Toward Achieving Goals form is an optional form used , by the evaluator, to document progress. Meeting to discuss progress of goal attainment. School-wide student growth data should be available for review. Step 5: Mid-Year Evaluation Between Principal and Superintendent Principals will meet individually with the superintendent to discuss the principal’s progress toward achieving his or her annual goals. This mid-year discussion will focus on the status of goal attainment and mid-year adjustments to School Improvement Plan that must be made in order to achieve goals by the end of the school year. What Adjustments need to be made?
Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process Step 2 Pre-Evaluation Planning Self Assessment- Required Document Performance Goals (PG) The NC P/AP Goal Form is an optional form, however highly recommended. Step 3 Initial Meeting Meeting to discuss 1. Self Assessment 2. Goal Development 3. Evidence and Data/ Artifacts Principal/AP and Superintendent/ designee agree on components of meeting and confirm level of performance. Step 4 Data Collection The Principal/Assistant Principal Evaluation Process Documentation is an optional form used to document site visits and Conf. dates Principal collects data agreed upon as evidence to support goals Superintendent/designee visit Step 5 Mid-Year Conference The Mid-Year Evaluation: Progress Toward Achieving Goals form is an optional form used , by the evaluator, to document progress. Meeting to discuss progress of goal attainment. School-wide student growth data should be available for review. Step 6: Prepare a Consolidated Performance Assessment The principal will synthesize the information obtained under Steps 4 and 5 in order to prepare a consolidated assessment or comprehensive view of performance throughout the year. This brief summary of the data and artifacts used to judge performance should be provided to the superintendent well in advance of the performance discussion at which final performance levels will be discussed. Data collected throughout the year will be used as part of the Performance Assessment. Step 6 Prepare a Consolidated Performance Assessment Obtained under Steps 4 and 5 Brief summary of Steps 4 and 5 Should be provided to the superintendent/designee well in advance of Step 7 The Goal Setting Worksheet is an optional Form to identify professional growth goals Based on data gathered from artifacts and Other sources. End Of Year
Principal Evaluation Process Step 1 Orientation Red- Required Document Green- Optional Forms Black- Required Process Meeting to distribute materials outlining the evaluation process Step 2 Pre-Evaluation Planning Self Assessment- Required Document Performance Goals (PG) The NC P/AP Goal Form is an optional form, however highly recommended. Step 3 Initial Meeting Meeting to discuss 1. Self Assessment 2. Goal Development 3. Evidence and Data/ Artifacts Principal/AP and Superintendent/ designee agree on components of meeting and confirm level of performance. Step 4 Data Collection The Principal/Assistant Principal Evaluation Process Documentation is an optional form used to document site visits and Conf. dates Principal collects data agreed upon as evidence to support goals Superintendent/designee visit Step 5 Mid-Year Conference The Mid-Year Evaluation: Progress Toward Achieving Goals form is an optional form used , by the evaluator, to document progress. Meeting to discuss progress of goal attainment. School-wide student growth data should be available for review. Step 7: Meeting Between Principal and Superintendent/The principal and superintendent will meet at the Central Office to discuss progress in completing the evaluation process. They will discuss the self-assessment, consolidated assessment data, and summary/end-of-year evaluation of the principal, which the superintendent prepared in advance of the meeting. Should additional data or artifacts need to be brought into the discussion; the principal will have them readily available to share at that time. At this meeting, the principal and superintendent will agree upon the next year’s performance goals. Deborah Dupree will be contacting you to set up an appointment for the EOY meeting between May 11-28 at the Central Office. Step 6 Prepare a Consolidated Performance Assessment Obtained under Steps 4 and 5 The Goal Setting Worksheet is an optional form to identify professional growth goals based on data gathered from artifacts and other sources. Brief summary of Steps 4 and 5 Should be provided to the superintendent/ designee well in advance of Step 7 Step 7 Summary Evaluation Conference Meeting at the school site to discuss: 1. Self Assessment –Required Document Consolidated Performance Assessment (agree upon progress towards performance goals for the year) Summary Evaluation Form -Required Document
Timeline Initial Meeting ~ October 15-31 Site Visit / Data Collection ~ Nov-Dec Mid Year Conference ~ February Site Visit / Data Collection ~ March/April End of Year Summary Evaluation Conference May 11-28