Lesson 2: STRESS What are some things that stress you out?
effects of stress Stress- is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. How much stress you feel depends on your perception (the act of becoming aware through the senses). Stress can be both positive and negative in its effects. What are some positive effects of stress? Examples? What are some negative effects of stress? Examples?
What causes stress??? Stressor- is anything that causes stress. People EXAMPLES: People Objects Places Events Certain situations More specifically, psychologists have identified five general categories of stressors…
Categories of stressors: Biological - illness, disabilities, or injuries Environmental - poverty, pollution, noise, natural disasters Cognitive (thinking) - the way you perceive a situation or how it affects you and your world Personal behavior - tobacco, alcohol, drugs, lack of physical activity Life situations- death of a family member/friend/pet, troubled relationships Past experiences play a large role in how you perceive these stressors. (Positive vs. Negative)
The body’s stress response: the nervous system and endocrine system are active during this time and your response is largely involuntary, or automatic Stage 1: ALARM The body and mind go on high alert - stress response or “Fight or Flight” response. Physical Symptoms: Pupil dilation Increase perspiration Faster heart rate and pulse Rise in blood pressure Faster respiration rate Narrowing of arteries to internal organs and skin Increase blood flow to muscles and brain Increase in muscle tension Release of blood sugar, fats, and cholesterol
The body’s stress response: Stage 2: Resistance During this stage your body adapts to the rush created by alarm and reacts to the stressor This is the stage that you actually “fight” or “flight” You are briefly able to perform at a higher level of endurance The resistance stage is why people in extremely high-stress situations have been known to accomplish incredible feats.
The body’s stress response: Stage 3: Fatigue Prolonged exposure to stress causes the body to lose it’s ability to adapt to the situation. A tired feeling takes over the body and lowers your level of activity. 3 Types of fatigue: Physical - muscles work vigorously for long periods, often leads to soreness and pain Psychological - from constant worry, overwork, depression, boredom, or feeling overwhelmed. Pathological - tiredness brought on by overworking the body’s defense in fighting illness. Flu, poor nutrition, use of drugs and alcohol.
Physical Effects of Stress: Psychosomatic Response: a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness. Headache Asthma High Blood Pressure Weakened Immune System
Mental/Emotional and Social Effects of Stress: Difficulty Concentrating Mood Swings Risks of Substance Abuse
Taking Control of Chronic Stress: Stress that is associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control. ENGAGE IN Physical Activity Look for support- friends, family Find a hobby or activity that relaxes you Avoid harmful substances-tobacco, alcohol, other drugs.
managing stress Identify your personal stressors: Life events- getting a driver’s license; graduation; moving/relocating; addition of new family members; major illness; divorce/ separation Physical stressors- pollution, excessive noise, physical injury, lack of rest, drug use, excessive dieting or exercise Daily hassles- time pressures, too many responsibilities, deadlines, conflicts with fellow students
Ways to manage stress: Sometimes you can manage stress by changing your perception. Try looking at the situation as a learning experience. Plan ahead - this better prepares you for unexpected changes. Get adequate sleep - if not it can cause stress by interfering with schoolwork, athletics, and personal relationships. Get regular physical activity - burns off excess nervous energy, causing you to feel more relaxed. Eat nutritious food - eat regular meals, limit “comfort” foods, limit caffeine (causes blood pressure to rise) Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
Stress management techniques: Stress management skills- skills that help an individual handle stress in a healthful, effective way. Redirect your energy - work on a creative project, go for a jog Relax and laugh - deep breathing, think happy thoughts, stretching, laughing out loud. Keep a positive outlook - the way you think often determines how you feel. Seek out support - confide in someone you trust, parent, guardian, sibling, teacher, or close friend Express yourself - share your feelings, set/share goals.
anxiety Anxiety- the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen. Can be both positive (help you to work harder) and negative (cause you to make mistakes). Symptoms: Feelings of fear or dread Perspiration, trembling, restlessness, or muscle tension Rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, or shortness of breath Is perfectionism a form of anxiety? i.e. grades, sports, unrealistic expectations
Strategies for coping with anxiety: Redirect your energy Relaxation exercises: meditation, breathing Engage in physical activity Get support from family and friends Some choose to “escape” by using drugs or alcohol. This only provides a temporary and false sense of relaxation. THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE! This also causes more problems making it harder for you to function properly.