Learning method and Campus life Impact of Expectation and Satisfaction of International Students of Shandong University in China : Learning method and Campus life Muhammad Javed Iqbal jdsdu@qq.com 2017
Muhammad Javed Iqbal
Presentation Outline 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 3. Research Methodology 4. Findings and Discussion 5. Conclusion
Key Words of the Study International Students Learning Method Satisfaction Campus Life Performance
1. Introduction 5.5 million students are studying abroad (2016), 2.1 million (2000). In countries lacking higher education capacity, students are looking for opportunities to study abroad (ICEF, 2015). In 2011,Asian students represented 53% of foreign students, Europeans 23%, Africa 14% enrolled in tertiary education worldwide (OECD/World Bank, 2012).
About 2/3 of students study in English. China, India, and South Korea are the world’s leading sources of international students, 1/6 international students is now from China (ICEF, 2015). In China, international students was increased from 1236 in 1978 to 442,773 in 2016 (Bista & Foster, 2016). In Shandong University, about 2350 but around 1130 just enrolled in 2015, about 1039 students in 2016.
2. Literature Review It answer for gap between I and P, I. Students and University; Separation from loved ones, cultural clashes, discrimination, financial difficulties, homesickness, language barriers, legal status problems, and an unfamiliar educational system are challenges. (e.g. Ruble and Zhang, 2013; Wei, et al., 2012). China ,top ten study abroad destination countries for U.S. 7% of all international students in China from U.S (Haizheng, 2010, 270p). China has target to reach 500,000 students by 2020 (ICEF, 2015).
3. Research Methodology 3.1 Objective of Study To identify behavior between expectation and satisfaction of learning method; To identify behavior between expectation and satisfaction of Campus life; To determine which factors for any category has more gap; To test demographic with learning method and campus life;
3.2 Main Survey IMBA students of Shandong University, five groups for five zones. Design the Questionnaires ( discuss in group and develop in class by professor). Each group distributed 80 questionnaires. About 6% of questionnaires were uncompleted or had some defect. 349 usable questionnaires for analysis.
Design of Research
3.3 Data Analysis Demographic I & P learning method and IPA I & P campus life and IPA Analysis Demographic for learning method and campus life
4. Discussion of the finding 4.1 Demographic over 61% male and 39% female, 63% younger than 30; 83% undergraduate and postgraduate, 60% in English; 73% overseas experiences;
Table 1. Demographic profile of Respondents Number (N=349) Percentage (%) Gender Male 213 61 Female 136 39 Age Below 20 30 9 20-25 148 42 26-30 114 33 31-35 41 12 36-40 14 3.7 41-45 1 0.3 Above 46 Educational Level Undergraduate 137 Master 152 44 PHD 60 17 Course is thought in English 208 Chinese 141 40 Studied Overseas Yes 258 74 No 91 26
Graph 1. Statistic of Gender with focus on their age
4. Discussion of the finding 4.2 Important and performance of learning method
4.3 I.P campus life
5. Conclusions Learning method: Internships and Library resources in I&P. Course in taught in, Experience overseas before, educational level, nationality, age and gender were effect for result of this survey. Group works, Project studies and implementation, Multimedia (VCDs/pictures etc.) Interaction during class and student presentations. Camus life: Quality of accommodations, staff behavior and equipment of dormitory and school.
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