@Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
The Coleshill School Sixth Form Sixth Form Open Evening Tuesday 15th November @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Welcome to current Coleshill students and those from other schools Mr Ian Smith-Childs Headteacher Mr Glyn Owen Head of Sixth Form @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Where do you see yourself in 4 years time? @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
@Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh Three years ago… @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Now I have postcards from… @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
And reports of great opportunities from… @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
It’s worked for them…what’s in it for you? @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
‘Extras’ (what gives you the edge!) Work experience at TNT, local schools and nurseries, law firms, Sainsburys head office – a bespoke experience for you and your aspirations Links with University of Warwick, University of Birmingham, Coventry University, Aston University, Clare College Cambridge, Keble College Oxford Invitations for interview practice at Clare College Cambridge How to present yourself for job interviews day National Citizenship Service – residential and follow up project Trip to Gambia 2016, 2017 and onwards Dof E Silver available @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Leadership and Enrichment at Post 16 The Coleshill Leadership Award Opportunities galore: Buddying National Citizenship Challenge Work Experience Leadership course Coaching Committees Love Coleshill Community Placement Subject Ambassadors Reading support D of E Sports teams Etc etc @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Don’t just take my word for it… ‘The Coleshill Sixth Form has presented me with endless opportunities to pursue my academic and sporting goals’ ‘Teachers’ support and willingness to help at any time has been vital during my A levels’ ‘ The friendly environment makes it a great place to study and socialise’ ‘For me it’s an outstanding combination of superb teaching in a friendly atmosphere’ ‘We are given endless opportunities to develop and make progress’ @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
@Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh From the horse’s mouth This year’s leadership team Two years ago they were sitting where you are now. What decisions did they make? What will be their next step? @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
@Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh What are we offering? Art & Design – A Level Biology – A Level Business – A Level Chemistry – A Level Computing Drama and Theatre Studies – A Level Economics - A Level English Language – A Level English Literature – A Level Geography – A Level History – A Level ICT – A Level Law – A level Mathematics – A Level Modern Foreign Languages French – A Level Spanish – A Level Music Photography – A Level Physics – A Level Psychology – A Level Sociology – A Level The following BTEC subjects are worth 1 A level Sport – BTEC Level 3 Applied Science – BTEC Level 3 Health and Social Care BTEC Level 3 The following BTEC L3 Extended Diploma courses are equivalent to THREE A Levels, they are studied as standalone courses and should not be combined with other A Level courses Sport – BTEC Level 3 Coaching &Fitness Extended Diploma Health & Social Care Level 3 We also offer the Extended Project Qualification – a student led individual project worth half an A level (Up to 70 UCAS points) *We intend to offer a level 2 course depending on student interest *English and Maths GCSE resit will be offered where appropriate Please let us know if there are particular interests not listed here! @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
How do you make your choices? The most important thing is to match your choices to your University and Career plans and think carefully about which subjects you are most likely to succeed in. Take advice from teachers, tutors and parents in the first instance but each student will be given an interview with a senior member of staff. Mr Owen and the sixth form team are always available to give advice about appropriate choices. For University guidance a good place to start is ucas.com. We have representatives from Universities and employers here tonight – have a chat with them. The general entry requirement is at least 5 A*- C grades at GCSE (with a 5 representing this standard in English/Maths) but we will always look at individual cases on merit. Certain subjects have specific entry requirements which can be checked on the subject descriptions in the booklet or on the website. @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Our partners here tonight… Go and have a chat with them! @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
The application process Chat to our subject experts and current students Get advice from Post 16 experts Pick up a prospectus and application form Decide on your subject choices – do your research Application deadline is 13th January Individual interview re your choices Confirmation of place subject to GCSE results Do well in your GCSEs Aspirations become reality! @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
@Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh The application form… @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Follow us on twitter @Coleshill6th4m @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
@Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh A selection of book recommendations from the Sixth Form twitter page. There’s a book recommended every Monday. Follow us on @Coleshill6th4m @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh
Good luck with the rest of year 11 @Coleshill6th4m #aiminghigh