Developing undergraduate students’ understanding of historical enquiry and research through flexible online learning and feedback. What next at UoR and EHU? The aim of the afternoon session is to examine briefly some emerging data. We hope to explore some practical inferences we might make from this to inform the design of the next iteration. AM to introduce
To help us with this, if you have a smart phone, tablet or lap top, please visit the link below now, a voting site (no cost and no need to login in): We will open up a series of polls for voting as we go through the afternoon, all accessed from this link. Ali Messer Alessandra Abbattista AM to introduce
Usage Data EHU site usage AM to introduce
How many students were following the module?
Students enrolled on the site 52
How frequently did students view the site?
How many used the site?
Patterns of site usage
Visits to the site Mean 16.5 Median 3.5 Mode
What can we learn from this? Poll everywhere (voting software) question Do you agree that this data shows good engagement with the site? AM to introduce
Responses to questionnaire EHU undergraduate perceptions AM to introduce
EHU Undergraduate Evaluation Questionnaire Data
Did not post Made posts at the start Posted throughout Totals Not useful / relevant 5 2 7 No time 3 4 Not fully aware Assignments were more important 1 Forgot Didn't have anything to say Not sure how to do it Enjoyed posting and receiving feedback
I did not have the time and I didn't find it useful. I was curious to know at the beginning of the content of the journals and made a point to look into the posts throughout. The reasons for this is I enjoyed posting comments and receiving constructive feedback, this informing me and guiding me on my historical input, also with prose and grammar. At the beginning of the year it wasn't explained enough how to do it. I forgot about the journal after the first month. I did make a few entries though
Did not look Looked but did not post Looked and posted Totals Not fully aware 4 Time 3 1 Not useful / relevant 2 Did not feel the need to post Couldn't find discussions Views already present Curious to see what others had written Not sure what to write Not always interesting Some post were more useful than others
Other work got in the way. Did not know what to write. When I looked through the discussion boards my view had already been brought up so I decided to to add to it. Not really relevant to what we were studying so refrained from using it. I tried to view the posts as much as I could but did not feel the need to write posts.
Did not look Occasionally looked Regularly looked Totals Not useful / relevant 4 Not fully aware 3 Time 2 1 Used where relevant Forgot Used to help write journal posts Valuable to have an alternative to text The sources were useful for class discussion The sources were useful for the course
I didn't know there were videos on the website. I found the lecture Roger gave useful and the resources placed on the site to help with the film topic helpful for HIS1015 Useful for in class discussion. I did not find it useful and I didn't have enough time.
Suggestions for improvement Incorporate the developing historical thinking content into the lectures / seminars to make people look / incorporate it into their learning. Make them more integrated into taught lessons. Make the journal posts to count towards grades. Explain more of the benefits to students. Make it more accessible. Make it clearer and more accessible. More streamlined.
What can we learn from this? Poll everywhere (voting software) question Do you agree that the online platforms need to be integrated more into the taught course? AM to introduce