Notes # 7 Iran
Beginning Conflict In January 1979 Iranian rebels overthrew the pro U.S. government of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, a moderate, and replaced him with the Ruhollah Khomeini. April 1979 Iran declared itself an Islamic Republic. In December it also became governed by a theocratic (religious) constitution.
Hostage Crisis November 4, 1979 the American Embassy was attacked. The attackers used women as human shields, the Americans could not fire back. 66 staff and citizens were taken hostage. 6 American diplomats escaped capture, and were rescued by Canadians (their story is in the new movie Argo)
Operation Eagle Claw – rescue mission President Carter attempted a special forces mission that turned into a disaster. 3 helicopters crashed because of bad weather conditions, one right into a fuel tanker. The mission was aborted, with the loss of 8 Americans.
Freedom The hostages were finally freed on January 20, 1981, they were held for 444 days, though a few had been let go earlier. nuclear-deal-sot.cnn deal/FB483263-C500-4BE3-9663-9C570E749C14.html
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Iran Should America continue to improve relations with Iran? Can we trust Iran?