Comprehensive Planning Update PAIU-CC Presentation March 23, 2017 Jill Neuhard & Kelly Fortney PA Planning Team
Welcome! A warm welcome to Khaleel Desaque, the newly appointed Director of School Improvement at PDE Khaleel Desaque Director of School Improvement Pennsylvania Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education 333 Market Street Harrisburg, PA 17126 717-783-6964 (Office)
ACT 118 Updates New Comp Plan due dates: Phase 1: November 30, 2019 New Special Education Plan due dates: Phase 1: May 1, 2019 (Program Profile May 1, 2018) Phase 2: May 1, 2020 (Program Profile May 1, 2019) Phase 3: May 1, 2018 (Program Profile May 1, 2017) Must also check assurance box on top of Program Profile Page ACT 118 Webinar Recording (held on 2/9/17): ACT 118 Webinar Materials: Act 118 - Comprehensive Planning Slidedeck
Phase 2 Plan Update Total of 272 Phase 2 LEAs All plans set back to “In Planning” Communication regarding change went out to all Phase 2 LEAs on 2/28/17 Phase 2 LEAs will need to update timelines in Action Plan (2017-2021), allow time for 28 days for public review and final board approval prior to new submission date of 11/30/17 4
Charter Annual Report Update (15-16 Reports were due August 1, 2016) All 15-16 Reports were submitted electronically to PDE on 2/13/17 165 - Submitted (31 have been acknowledged by Authorizing District) 5 - Did not submit (see below) 16-17 Reports will open in April and will be due no later than 8/1/17. Communication will go out to all Charters and Authorizing Districts -Delaware Valley CHS -Helen Thackston CS -Khepera CS -Wonderland CS -Hill House Passport Academy CS 10 have submitted since last update!
Charter School Webinar Topics will include Comprehensive Planning, School Improvement Planning, Title I Schoolwide Planning, and the Charter Annual Report April 13, 2017 9:00 am
School Improvement Plan Resubmission Update Communication sent 3/14/17 SIPs are to be re-submitted through the web application by June 30, 2017. 28-day public review is required SIP webinar to review requirements and submission process March 30, 2017 at 9:00 am.
ESSA Updates related to SIP Priority and Focus schools should update and resubmit their SIP on or by June 30, 2017. Final ESSA regulations regarding ESSA were released by USDE on 11/28/16. State plans are now due to USDoE either April 3, 2017 or September 18, 2017. Another important change pushes identification of PA’s lowest performing schools back to 2018-19 for Comprehensive Support schools and 2019-20 for Targeted Support schools. *States may choose to implement sooner if they are ready. A fact sheet of all final regulations can be found here
Schoolwide Program Updates ACT 118 extension does NOT apply to School Improvement Plans or Schoolwide Plans The Schoolwide Template will not be an acceptable Schoolwide plan as of July 1st, 2017. Please use the Comprehensive Planning web application to complete a plan in its entirety Schoolwide Plans due no later than June 30, 2017 Title I Schoolwide Plan Webinar April 6, 2017 9:00 am
Communication Updates CP Office Hours- 2016-2017 Remaining Dates for CP Office Hours: April 19th May 3rd May 17th CP Tip Jar- Click here for latest
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