SIO 87: Physics of Surfing Spring 2008 Experiment 16 May 3, 2008 SIO 87: Physics of Surfing Spring 2008
Participants From left to right: Adam Zona, Daniel Yee, Dave ?, Paul Gomez, and David Sandwell *not pictured: Wendy Muraoka
Abstract To measure the forces acting on a surfboard while paddling and surfing. Two accelerometers were used, #25 on the nose of the surfboard, and #26 on the back. These were used to measure the acceleration at different points on the surfboard. A GPS unit was also attached to the board. This was used to measure the velocity.
Equipment Two three channel accelerometers: Two surfboards Channel 25 at the front Channel 26 at the back Two surfboards 9 ft longboard 6’5 ft shortboard Assorted materials: duct tape, water tight bags
GPS Unit Accelerometer
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Data: Accelerometer 25
Data: Accelerometer 26
Data: Figure 4
Data: Figure 5
Data: Figure 6