Prof. Young-Kook Lee Present Position Education Experience Honors Professor, Yonsei University Education 1994.3-1998.2 Ph.D, Dept. of Metall. Eng., Yonsei Univ. Experience 2009.9-present Professor & Director of Research Institute of Iron and Steel Technology 1989.1-1994.4 Research Engineer, RIST 1998.3-2000.11 Research Professor, Colorado School of Mines 2000.12-2001.6 Research Engineer, Bethlehem Steel 2012.1~present Editor-in-Chief, J. of the Korean Society for Heat Treatment 2007.1~present POSCO-affiliated Professor 2013.1~present Editor, Metals and Materials International 2011.4~present International advisory committee, ISIJ Int. Honors The Charles Hatchett Award by IOM, UK (1997) Award for Excellent Paper by The Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, (2009) The Steel Award by Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, (2011) SeAH Haiam Award by Korean Institute of Metals and Materials, (2012)