Writing Workshop.


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Presentation transcript:

Writing Workshop

What we will cover? What does KS1 writing look like? Assessment of writing VCOP Handwriting & spellings Time to look at resources Any questions

What does writing in KS1 look like? In the early years and within Foundation Stage and Stage one we encourage the children to say the sounds in the word they would like to write and then we support them with writing the letters. Once they can write words we then move onto constructing sentences. Working within stage two we develop these skills further by making sentences more complex. We support the children with developing their vocabulary choices and how to adapt their sentences to suit the purpose.

How do we assess writing? We assess writing using objectives taken from the National Curriculum. They are organised in the three stages Emerging, Expected and Exceeding. Each assessment sheet looks at different aspects of writing: Punctuation – capital letters, full stops, question marks. Handwriting – legible, clear ascenders & descenders Phonics and spelling Grammar Vocabulary Planning, editing and drafting Contexts for writing

Can you identify the writing level? Have a look at this piece of writing Can you use the assessment sheet to identify the strengths in this writing? What should the child's next step be?

Next steps Once the children can construct simple sentences we then focus on: Developing vocabulary Introducing different connectives Varying sentence openers How to use punctuation.

Help your child to develop their sentences by using the VCOP superheroes. Ban boring sentences

The cat went along the wall. Violet vocab adds adjectives to describe and changes dull words for interesting alternatives! The fluffy ginger cat prowled along the red brick wall.

The fluffy ginger cat prowled along the red brick wall. Captain Connective adds more detail or action to the sentence. The fluffy ginger cat prowled along the red brick wall because he was spying on a juicy bird.

The fluffy ginger cat prowled along the red brick wall because he was spying on a juicy bird. The Incredible Opener changes the beginning of the sentence to grab your reader’s attention! Whilst licking his lips, the fluffy ginger cat prowled along the red brick wall because he was spying on a juicy bird.

The cat went along the wall. Whilst licking his lips, the fluffy ginger cat prowled along the red brick wall because he was spying on a juicy bird. The cat went along the wall. Dr Punctuation makes an impact using different punctuation. Whilst licking his lips, the fluffy ginger cat (who had sharp teeth) prowled along the red brick wall because he was spying on a juicy bird!

Handwriting Handwriting and presentation of work is important to allow the progress you child has made be seen more clearly. If your child's writing is difficult to read at times it will take away from the content. We are now using the Nelson Handwriting program instead of the cursive script. This means each letter is a lot clearer without the ‘lead in’. If you find you are having difficulty reading your child's writing, ask them to try to write without joining up. Remind your child that all ascenders and descenders should be identifiable.

Spellings As children progress through the phases Read, Write, Inc they are introduced to sets of HFWs. It is important for your child to get into the habit of spelling these words correctly as once they begin to learn alternative spellings they then use them all the time, forgetting the basics! Mum sed wey can go to the shop. igh wos happee. Refer to parent booklet which parents can take home. This contains the information about what is covered in each phase of letters and sounds as well lists of the high frequency words and some useful websites. (Education city?)