Notes: Cartilaginous Fish Rays and Skates Bat Ray
Rays and Skates General characteristics Dorso-ventrally flattened bodies Bottom dwellers are called demersal. Always have 5 pairs of gill slits Pectoral fins are flattened like wings Eyes on the top of the head (adult stage) Spiracles for breathing since gill slits on underside.
Rays Characteristics Pelvic fin has one lobe Giant River Ray – Thailand Characteristics Pelvic fin has one lobe whip-like tails – stinging spines Manta Ray – largest species -23 feet across, 40-50 lb babies. Give birth to live young. When walking in water with stingrays you should shuffle your feet as you walk to flush them out – don’t run! If stung – submerge foot in very hot water to break down toxins. Electric Rays can deliver 200 volt shocks…enough to knock regulator out of mouth.
Skate Characteristics no whip like tail no stinging spines (use them in “petting tidepools in Aquariums) The mother skate deposits egg cases, which have tendrils that anchor them to seaweed or rocks. The mother does not protect the egg cases during the 6-9 months that the skates develop in their cases. Pelvic fins has two lobes Have spines on their back.