Bob Hartling JSJ6 C5I IID 757-203-4807 UNCLASSIFIED Small Group Scenario Trainer (SGST) for the Mission Partner Environment in AUSTERE CHALLENGE 2015 Bob Hartling JSJ6 C5I IID 757-203-4807 UNCLASSIFIED
Why the SGST? MPE/FMN requires a significant amount of negotiation and planning SGST offers opportunities for remote collaboration & planning well in advance of venue execution and during JELC planning events. Establish and Review Checklists for: National Policy Agreements Joining, Membership, Exit Instructions Roles/Responsibilities /Criteria for: Architecture Validation Services Verification Information Assurance Certification
ACME – MPE Episodic/NATO FMN UNCLASSIFIED ACME = Austere Challenge [15] Mission Environment Self provided National Secret Training: SGST for AC15 training audience/develop Generic MPE scenario RQMTs Self provided National Unclassified Self provided Cross Domain Information Exchange Guard AC15 Joining Membership and Exiting Instructions (JMEI) Policy and TTPs: Collective agreement for AC15 Starting Point references: US MPE JMEI Joining Instructions, CE14 JMEI, NATO FMN Implementation Plan Vol 1 & draft Vol 2 Management: AC15 NETOPS “Third Stack”: Provided by each ACME mission Network Contributor (USA, LTU) Agreements follow provider governance protection requirements (must be a coalition member) Governance: AC15 MNFC CJ6 overall, each ACME network contribution governed, resourced and protected by owner CIAV: Embedded in AC15 planning and execution Process to include “Do no harm” change management USA provided Multi-National (MN) BICES ACME REL AC15 MNFC CFACC CFLCC CFMCC CFSOCC Other USA Locations ACME: An overarching framework for AC15 to enable network contributing partners to operate at a Secret REL AC15 level based on CDR’s guidance and agreed upon CONOPS, TTP, Policy, Governance, and Common Standards UNCLASSIFIED UNCLASSIFIED
AC-15 SGST LL Event Planners must: Provide time in event schedule for SGST Mission Partners must: Provide appropriate planning elements (C2, C3, C6, C4) Be familiar with National Policies on Information Sharing Be prepared to negotiate and commit to environment decisions
BQMN Timeline and Risk Reduction Development Implementation Feedback Actions/Outcomes Sep 14 July 15 Apr 15 Sep 15 Oct 15 Nov 15 JMEI Initial Build BQMN Risk Reduction (JMEI Core Services, Infrastructure, Policy, Mission Command Systems) BQMN Implementation As a Multi-National Team BQMN/ JMEI Observation & Feedback Plan for Next Event Bi-monthly Network Group Telcons Monthly Tech Telcons JMEI Workshops/ SGST/ Consolidate Work Groups Inform Senior Joint/Service Forums RISK REDUCTION: From a network perspective, the key to a successful execution of the Mission Network during NIE/BQ is a systematic approach to risk reduction inclusive of all US and coalition network contributors. As you can see, JMEI maturation has been ongoing since summer of 2014 and has incorporated active learning from CIAV, Combined Endeavor, and user Requirements. From April to July, the NIE/BQ Network team will conduct phased Risk Reduction events with the nations committed as Network Contributing Mission Partners. The goal of those events is to establish and test interoperability of BQMN Core Services (like email, chat, and VOIP), Infrastructure (routing connectivity, protocols, and network timing), and mission command systems. The Endstate prior to September is for interoperability risks to be isolated, mitigated, and/or reduced and JMEI’s validated prior to implementing the BQMN as a Multinational Team in September. During execution, network contributing mission partners will actively participate in the network connection approval team and the BQMN network control center. We will also capture key observations, interoperability gaps and lessons learned by having an MPE focused team on site. It will be extremely important that we assess the JMEIs utility during implementation of the network and how they were received by key network technicians. Background: LAST YEAR DJ6 READILY ACCEPTED THE INVITATION TO LEAD THE DESIGN OF THE BQ MISSION NETWORK TO SUPPORT NOT ONLY BQ BUT NIE AND MNDEX REQUIREMENTS; AND TO APPLY MISSION PARTNER ENVIRONMENT (MPE) PRINCIPLES TO ACHIEVE BOTH—JS J6 BROUGHT MORE RESOURCES (PEOPLE AND EQUIPMENT) TO BEAR ALTHOUGH NIE16.1/BQ15.2 IS AN “EPISODIC” MPE, WE DO NOT REGARD THIS AS A “ONE AND DONE” EXPERIENCE. WE INTEND TO “RE USE” THE LESSONS LEARNED, NETWORK, EQUIPMENT AND PEOPLE IN A LONG TERM STRATEGY TO ENSURE THAT BQ REMAINS A FORUM IN WHICH THE NATIONS/SERVICES/PROGRAMS CAN DEVELOP AND PRACTICE MPE FUNDAMENTALS---MORE THAN A “COMMEX” CONTEXT—APPLICATION IN A REPRESENTATIVE COALITION OPERATIONAL CONTEXT. DRAFT JMEI’S ARE A COLLABORATIVE PRODUCT DRAWING INPUT FROM ALL—A MONUMENTAL DELIVERABLE---ONLY AS EFFECTIVE, ONCE WRITTEN, IF READ AND UNDERSTOOD BY THE KEY OPERATORS AND ADMINISTRATORS AS WE ALL ARE DOING THINGS NEVER DONE BEFORE, THE RISK REDUCTION STRATEGY HAS NEVER BEEN MORE IMPORTANT Phase 1 CV2E Validate Core Svcs: Chat, VoIP, Email w/ Attachments, GAL Sharing/Ft. Hood/NOR/UK Apr 2015 Phase 2 BQMN Validate Network Infrastructure and Policy/ CERDEC/APG Jun 2015 Phase 3 BQMN Infrastructure/Core Services – C4AD/APG Phase 4 BQMN Infrastructure/Core Services – Level 1 -2/C4AD/APG/FRA Jul 2015 Phase 5 BQMN NIE VALEX/COMMEX Aug 2015 Inform DoD Joining Instructions SGST support of MPE development 3