Thirteen Characteristics of Effective Teachers Leo R. Sandy
I. Learner The teacher presents the material to the students for their consideration, and reconsiders her earlier considerations as the students express their own/ Paulo Freire The students are “student-teachers” because they teach the teacher and help enhance the teacher’s knowledge and skills
II. Leader The effective teacher leads through “referrent” and expert power. The teacher knows the material well and shows kindness and respect toward students A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves/ Lao Tzu
III. Provocateur The effective teacher probes, prods, asks “why”, poses problems, throws curves and plays devil’s advocate. S/he busts bubbles and plants seeds
IV. Teacher as Stranger The effective teachers balances closeness with distance and individual with class needs in order to maintain objectivity and fairness
V. Enthusiasm Exuberance, a positive attitude, passion, and excitement for the discipline and for pedagogy is modeled for students
VI. Innovator The effective teacher is both stable and changing in that new materials and strategies are used to enhance teaching. Also, approaches are used in combination to provide varied angles on the subject – lecture-discussions, videos, role plays, simulations, speakers, small group activities, free-writes, debates and student presentations
VII. Comedian/Entertainer The effective teacher uses humor in the service of learning and is able to laugh at himself and the absurdity in the world
VIII. Coach/Guide The effective teacher neither prematurely helps nor withholds help from students but gives them enough for them to experience a sense of efficacy for their own efforts The effective teacher believes that mistakes can be good learning experiences
IX. Genuineness The effective teacher can show a wide range of human emotions and imperfections and is able to appropriately self-disclose so that students can see their own humanity reflected in her
X. Sentinel The effective teacher must provide a climate of safety for divergent views and for students to take intellectual risks. The teacher helps students build on their answers so that they can feel comfortable taking ideas to higher levels without fear of embarrassment
XI. Optimist/idealist The effective teacher believes that without an ideal there will be no approximation of it. S/he communicates to students that all things are possible with persistence and effort. This teacher models hope, and students come to feel that they can make a difference in the world because the teacher believes in them
XII. Collaborator The effective teacher is one with others. S/he shares ideas and materials with colleagues and seeks their advice on matters that pertain to teaching. This teacher also participates in student-faculty projects in research or service. Collegiality is a high value for this teacher. The walls of this teacher’s classroom are permeable
XIII Revolutionary because she knows that, with the exception of parenthood, her role is the most vital one on earth in the preservation of the sanctity of life and its natural outcome - the elevation of humanity .
Conclusion All of these dimensions cannot be found in every effective teacher and they also vary in degree. There may be several other characteristics that have not been mentioned
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