Modern College, Ganeshkhind EFFECTIVE TEACHING, TECHNIQUES AND SKILLS DR. SANJAY KHARAT (M.Sc., Ph.D, LLB, MBA) Principal Modern College, Ganeshkhind Pune 53.
EFFFECTIVE TEACHING SKILLS Skills are classified in following four categories: Motor Skills: Motor skills include movement and muscle control. Perceptual Motor Skills: Perceptual motor skills involve the thought, interpretation and movement skills. Cognitive Skills: Cognitive or intellectual skills require thought processes. Perceptual Skills: Perceptual skills are the interpretation of presented information.
EFFFECTIVE TEACHING SKILLS AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF EFFFECTIVE TEACHING SKILLS To set noble example as role model so that the students can emulate To set up an open organizational environment To develop meaningful teacher-made instructional material To admire the talent of students
To be receptive to new ideas from young minds, even if they appear silly at times To be realistic in goals and objectives and expectations To develop positive and progressive attitude towards teaching To adjust teaching strategies that go with the classroom situations and conditions
To improve study habits and teaching competencies in order to keep himself or herself abreast of modern educational methods To involve willingly and intensely in professional meetings, seminars, workshops and exchanges To understand students myth about teaching in the classroom To impart value education integrated with regular instruction
To generate intellectual potentialities To explore modern and innovative methods of teaching-learning process To observe and study students’ integrity and character To understand the psychic side of the students To help them to settle their problems amicably and through a dialogue rather than indulging in hostility and violence
Tools of Teaching Skills The tools of teaching a new skill include: Verbal instructions (b) Demonstrations (c) Videos (d) Diagrams (e) Photo sequences or Slides
To make use of proper educational technology and upgrade the same upon new arrivals. The concept of Virtual classroom and video-teleconferencing is the latest trend in online coaching .
Virtual Classroom
Some of the common forms of teaching and learning activities used in most of the US and UK universities are : The Lecture The Seminars The Tutorials The Practicals
E-learning This may include the provision of on-line self-testing quizzes that students are encouraged to use in their own time or computer simulations which groups of students interact with over several weeks in seminars or practical classes. Project and dissertation work Students are provided with learning materials (in hard copy or on-line) which direct and structure episodes of study. These may include tasks, solving problems, carrying out exercises and self testing understanding. Students can be asked to do this individually or in small groups and to some extent, can work at their own pace. Resource-based and Self guided study Problem-based learning (PBL) A specialised form of small group work, PBL requires students to work through a series of specially crafted problems with the support of a facilitator. Cycles of PBL usually run over two weeks and involve three seminar styled meetings with the facilitator. In between the meetings the students are expected to address the questions and learning outcomes that have been identified during discussion at a meeting in order to be able to report back at the following session.
Fieldwork This may involve organised trips to nature reserves, art galleries. industrial sites etc depending on your course that could last a few hours or a several days. Students are usually given specific learning tasks to accomplish before, during and after the visit which may be assessed.
E-Learning : Virtual dissections and simulations